
Telegram bot made in Python 3 using the @pyrogram framework.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A bot dedicated to Otakus made in Python using the Pyrogram framework.

Code style: black GitHub contributors Codacy Badge

This repository contains the source code of @AmimeWatchBot and the instructions for running a copy yourself.



  1. git clone https://github.com/AmanoTeam/AmimeWatch, to download the source code.
  2. cd AmimeWatch, to enter the directory.
  3. virtualenv venv && . venv/bin/activate to create and activate a virtual environment.
  4. pip install -Ur requirements.txt, to install the requirements.
  5. Create a new amime.ini file, copy-paste the following and replace the values with your own:
    api_id = 12345
    api_hash = 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef
    bot_token = 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11
  6. Run with python -m amime.
  7. Stop with CTRL+C and deactivate the virtual environment.


MIT © 2021 AmanoTeam