- Start the server in src/server/server.go in main() function - this will start the grpc server and it will start listening locally on localhost: 50005
- Start the client in src/client/client.go in main() function - in this a client will start communicating with the grpc server.
- Client will generate the requests (based on value of num_request) and will communicate to and fro. It will greet the server based on time (as defined in greet() function) for the interval of 2 seconds (as defined in interval_time variable)
- After each time interval, client will send a random string generated from list of random strings (defined in generateString() function)
- Upon receiving any request, the server will also take the input, greet the client and based on time_interval, it will also generate random string and send it to client
- The client when getting any response, will check for 'hello' substring inside it. If it exists, then it will print that.
- Currently I have commented out the part where messages from client and server and logged. You can uncomment them in client.go and server.go - they will be accompanied by a comment asking to uncomment the line below (currently line 74 in client.go and 98 in server.go)