
Data structure and algorithm programs using C Language.

Primary LanguageC


Data structure and algorithm programs using C Language.

List of Questions:

1.1 Create an array of size 10, input values and print the array, and search an element in the array.
1.2 Create an array of size 10, input values and display sum and average of all elements in the array.
1.3 Create arrays A, B and C of size 3, perform C = A + B.
1.4 Create arrays A, B of size 3, C of size 6, merge A and B into C.
1.5 Create an array of size 10, find the largest value from the array.
1.6 Insert an element into the array at user defined position.
1.7 Delete an element from the array from user defined position.
1.8 Sort the array into ascending order.
1.9 Sort the array into descending order.
2.0 Write a program to multiply two matrices.
2.1 Implement stack using array with following operations:
push, pop, print, peek, peep, change, exit.
2.2 Write a program to find out factorial of number using recursion (stack).
2.3 Write a program to print string in reverse order using stack.
2.4 Write a program to find factorial of a given integer number using stack.
2.5 Write a program to find the power of a given number using stack.
2.6 Write a program to find GCD of given two numbers.
2.7 Write a program to find Smallest Common Divisor of a given number.
2.8 Write a program find Minimum and Maximum number from the given array using Recursion.
2.9 Write a program which performs following operations using simple queue. :
insert() -> delete() -> display()
3.0 Write a program which performs following operations using circular queue.
:insert() -> delete() -> display()