
Practice Questions

Primary LanguageHTML

  1. Define the following schema in My SQL EMP(Eno name, add, sal, dept). Write a php program to execute the following query and show the result. Query1 : show name of all employees who are working in research and marketing. Query2: update salary to 7.5 who belongs to sales department and name is Ravan. Query3: insert few records in the database.

  2. WAP in javascript to add two numbers.

  3. Advantages of HTML5

  4. Why content and design of web docs are separated from each other?

  5. Develop the home page according to this structure: Main Left.

  6. WAP in javascript to test whether name is empty and phone number having only 10 digits.

  7. Declare one div element, change by color, show border, put margin using CSS

  8. Difference between div and span and float and over float

  9. WAP in js to test whether password is alphanumeric

  10. Illstrate the box model of div

  11. Discuss image size and visualisation size in terms of performance of website

  12. Point out asthenic issue of image

  13. Apply the image map

  14. Write code to apply the same style in one para and one H1

  15. XML schema is static or dynamic? Explain

  16. How organizing data into XML is different from relational DBMS

  17. Advantages medical data processing using data

  18. Explain class selector

  19. Could you add one attribute in XML schema ? Explain

  20. Explain ID selector of css

  21. Explain the mechanism to access the XML data

  22. Why hierarchy is not good to organise relational data model? What is the solution?