
A simple implementation of the classic tic-tac-toe game using Vanilla JavaScript. Play against a friend on a 3x3 grid, take turns marking spaces, and compete to win. The game features an intuitive user interface and tracks the game state to determine the winner or a draw.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • List technologies used to build tic tac toe I used html , css and js with jquery library SweetAlert: https://sweetalert.js.org/guides/ background pic from pixelbay :https://pixabay.com/images/id-152414/

  • user stories

    player 1, by defult click on squre to add X

    player 2, by defult click on squre to add O

    if player 1 cliked on O button so 'O' will be added on squre

    player 2 will play with 'X'

    player can play again if he/she clicked on play again button

    in each time there is win the player's score will increse

    if the player click on play with computer button he/she will played with computer

  • develpment process

    1- i wrote html and css code then js code

    2- i defined a variable call player to player turn and switching between player 1 & 2 and two variables for character 'X' and 'O'

    3-I used jquery for click event

    4-I created methode call FindWinner to looking for winner in each time the user add on squre to find the winner

    5-i used an empty array called playing for storing the elements from div to this array then i used for loop to comparing

    6-chooseChar methode will called when X or O buttons clicked is used to change players tokens.

    7- i defined a gloabal variable isCom if the user click on computer button it will turn to be true

  • List unsolved problems which would be fixed in future iterations.

    counting the winning in playing with computer case.

  • Describe how you solved for the winner

    i used an empty array called playing for storing the elements that get it from div then i used for loop to comparing first if statment for row cases ,second one for column , the last for diagnal then if there is a winner the methode will return true otherwise false that means it's tie