TLEN 5330 Programming Assignment 3


  • To create a distributed file system for reliable and secure file storage


  • A distributed filesytem is a client/server based application that allows client to store and receive files from multiple servers
  • Every server stores some part of the file while multiple servers store multiple parts. Hence, even if one of the servers go down the file still can be re-created


  • Python 2.7

Implementation Details

Put Files on Servers

  • Client divides a file into 4 equal parts to be stored on the servers.
  • A function which is based on the hash of the data of a file decides which part has to stored on what server.
  • Client then sends that part with filename as .filename.part_number to respective server.
  • Client also ecryptes the chunk before sending it to server

Get Files on Servers

  • Client will request parts of the file to servers.
  • Client starts by requesting server DFS1, DFS3 for the parts.
  • If the parts are enough to re-construct the file then the file is writen to clients home directory
  • If the parts are not enough then next servers are tried, ie. DFS2, DFS4

List Files on Servers

  • Similar to Get function, we first try DFS3 server to retrive the parts
  • If the parts are not enough to re-construct the file then we try next servers, ie. DFS1,DFS2,DFS4
  • If after trying all the servers the parts are not enough then we show [incomplete] in the file name.

Make directory on Servers

  • mkdir function will create new directories in users home directory on servers
  • It will return error if the requested directory already exists.

Encryption of data

  • All data stored on the servers is encrypted before sending to servers
  • We use XOR cipher to encrypt the data. Although it is a weak cipher we use sha256 to increase the length of the key.
  • The key used is the users password from the configuration file.
  • If the user changes his password then he can not see the old file on the server.

How to run the program

Start the Servers

python2.7 DFS1 10001
python2.7 DFS2 10002
python2.7 DFS3 10003
python2.7 DFS4 10004

Start Clients

python2.7 dfc.conf