Bundle to integrate Amara's OneHydra library with Symfony2.
It's still in development so will change often.
Use composer:
composer require amara/onehydra-bundle
After enabling the bundle in your application, the minimal configuration for config.yml looks like:
is_uat: true
auth_token: authtoken1
After creating the table for the entity, you'll want to run the fetch command to populate them from the OneHydra API:
app/console onehydra:fetch --all --programId=your_program_id
You will now be able to look up the OneHydra pages from your controllers etc.
// Get the entity from our system for the current request
$oneHydraPage = $this->get('amara_one_hydra.page_manager')->getPageByRequest($request);
if ($oneHydraPage) {
// Get the PageInterface object which reflects what's on the OneHydra system
$page = $oneHydraPage->getPage();
// Override what you want based on the content of page...
$title = $page->getTitle();
The library will be following Semantic Versioning, although we don't have a 1.0.0 release yet!