
Study Plan for 5th sem in B.Tech - IT

Study Plan


  1. Introduction

    • AI Introduction
    • Problem Solving
    • Production Systems
    • State space search
    • Blind Search
      • Depth first search
      • Breadth first search
    • Informed Search
      • Heuristic function
      • Hill climbing search
      • Branch and Bound technique
      • A* Search
      • Constraint Satisfaction Problems Game Playing Minmax search
        • Alpha-Beta cutoffs
  2. Knowledge Representation

    • Knowledge agent
    • Propositional and Predicate logic
    • WFF
    • Skolemization Resolution
    • Refutaion
    • Unification
    • Inference rule & theorem proving
    • Rule based Systems monotonic and non monotonic resoning
    • Introduction to Prolog
    • Structured KR
      • Semantic Net
        • slots
        • inheritance
      • Frames
        • exceptions and defaults attached predicates
        • Scripts
        • Conceptual Dependency formalism
  3. Natural Language Processing(NLP) & Planning

    • OverView of NLP tasks
    • Parsing
    • Recursive Transition Nets (RTN)
    • Augmented Transition Nets (ANT)
    • Semantic Analysis
    • Machine translation
    • Blocks World
    • Component of Planning Systems
    • Goal Stack Planning (linear planning)
    • Non-linear planning using constraint posting
  4. Foundations for ML

    • Machine Learning supervised/unsupervised learning
    • probably approximately correct (PAC) learning
    • Bayesian Decision theory
    • losses and risks
    • Discriminant functions
    • Utility theory
    • Bias and variance
    • Bayes estimator
    • Parametric classification
  5. Multivariate Methods

    • Multivariate Data
    • Parameter estimation
    • Multivariate classification
    • Multivariate regression
    • Dimensionality reduction
    • K-means clustering
    • Decision tress: Multivariate trees


  1. The Theory of Automata

    • Introduction to automata theory
    • Examples of automata machine
    • Finite automata as a language acceptor and translator
    • Deterministic finite automata
    • Non deterministic finite automata
    • finite automata with output (Mealy Machine. Moore machine)
    • Finite automata with null moves
    • Conversion of NFA to DFA
    • Minimization of DFA. Myhill Nerode theorem
    • Properties and limitation of FSM
    • Two way finite automata
    • Applications of finite automata
  2. Regular Expressions

    • Regular expression
    • Properties of Regular Expression
    • Finite automata and Regular expressions
    • Arden’s theorem
    • Regular Expression to DFA conversion & amp vice versa
    • Pumping lemma for regular sets. Application of pumping lemma
    • Reular sets and Regular grammar
    • Closure properties of regular sets
    • Decision algorithm for regular sets and regular grammar
  3. Grammars

    • Definition and types of grammar
    • Chomsky hierarchy of grammar
    • Relation between types of grammars
    • Role and application areas of grammars
    • Context free grammar
    • Left most linear & amp
    • Right most derivation trees
    • Ambiguity in grammar
    • Simplification of context free grammar
    • Chomsky normal from
    • Greibach normal form
    • properties of context free language
    • Pumping lemma from context free language
    • Decision algorithm for context tree language
  4. Push Down Automata

    • Basic definitions
    • Deterministic push down automata and non-deterministic push down automata
    • Acceptance of push down automata
    • Push down automata and context free language
  5. Turning Machine Model

    • Representation of Turing Machine Construction of Turing Machine for simple problems
    • Universal Turing machine and other modifications
    • Church’s Hypothesis
    • Halting problem of Turing Machine
    • COMPUTABILITY: Introduction and Basic concepts
      • Recursive function
      • Partial recursive function
      • Undecidability


  1. Amplitude Modulation

    • Need for Modulation
    • Amplitude Modulation
    • Amplitude Modulation Index
    • Modulation Index for Sinusoidal AM
    • Frequency spectrum for Sinusoidal AM
    • Average power for Sinusoidal AM, Effective voltage and current for sinusoidal AM - - [ ] Balanced Modulator, The Square law demodulator
    • DSBSC Modulation
    • SSB modulation and generation
    • VSB
    • FDM
    • Noise in communication systems
    • Signal to noise ratio Noise performance in AM
  2. Angle Modulation

    • Phase and frequency modulation and their relationship
    • Frequency deviation, spectrum of FM Signal
    • BW of FM Signal, Effect of modulation on BW
    • constant BW
    • FM phasor diagram
    • Narrow-band F.M. Armstrong and Parameter variation methods of FM generation and FM emodulators
    • Noise performance in FM and comparison with AM
  3. Sampling, Quantization and Coding

    • Sampling theorem
    • Pulse Modulation:
      • PAM
      • PPM
      • PWM
      • Quantization of Signals
      • Quantization error
      • TDM
      • Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
      • DPCM
      • DM
      • ADM and their comparative performance evaluation
  4. Digital Modulation Techniques

    • Modulation techniques for ASK
    • QASK
    • FSK
    • M-ary FSK
    • BPSK
    • DPSK
    • QPSK
    • M-ary PSK
    • QAM
    • Comparison of Noise performance of various PSK and FSK systems
    • Theme Example - Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
  5. Advanced Commiunicatin Techniques

    • Satellite Communication:
      • Satellite orbits and positioning
      • Satellite Communication Systems
      • Satellite Subsystems
      • Ground Stations
      • Satellite Applications
      • Global Navigation Systems
    • Fiber Optic Communication:
      • Optical Principles
      • Optical Communication Systems
      • Fiber Optic Cables
      • Optical Transmitter and Receivers Wavelength Divison Multiplexing
      • Passive Optical Networks
      • 40/100 Gbps Networks and Beyond


  1. Introduction to Software Engineering, Software Process Models

    • Software Engineering Fundamentals:
      • Software Engineering Principles
      • The Software Process
      • Software Myths
    • Process Models:
      • A Generic Process Model
      • The Waterfall
      • Incremental Process RAD
      • Prototyping
      • Evolutionary Process
      • Object oriented model
    • Advanced Process Models & Tools:
      • Agile software development
  2. Software Requirements Engineering & Analysis

    • Requirements Engineering:
      • User and system requirements
      • Functional and non-functional requirements
      • Types & Metrics
      • A spiral view of the requirements engineering process
    • Software Requirements Specification (SRS):
      • The software requirements Specification document
      • The structure of SRS
    • Requirements elicitation & Analysis:
      • Process
      • Requirements validation
      • Requirements management.
  3. Design Engineering

    • Design Process & quality
    • Design Concepts
    • the design Model
    • Architectural Design
    • Modeling Component Level Design
    • User Interface Design
    • effective modular design
    • top down
    • bottom up strategies
    • stepwise refinement
  4. Project Management

    • The Management Spectrum
    • People, Product
    • Process
    • Project
    • Metrics and Measurement :
      • size & function oriented metrics(FP & LOC)
      • Metrics for Project and Software Quality
      • Project Estimation Software Project Estimation
      • Decomposition Techniques
    • Empirical Estimation Models:
      • Structure
      • COCOMO
      • Estimation of Object-oriented Projects
      • Specialized Estimation
    • Project Scheduling:
      • Basic Concepts
      • Defining a Task Set for the Software Project
      • Defining Task Network
      • Scheduling with time-line charts
      • Schedule tracking
    • Project Risk Management :
      • Risk Analysis & Management:
        • Reactive versus Proactive Risk Strategies
        • Software Risks
        • Risk Identification
        • Risk Projection
        • Risk Refinement
        • Risk Mitigation
        • Risks Monitoring and Management
    • Software Configuration Management:
      • SCM process
      • CMM-Capability Maturity Model
  5. Software Testing, Maintenance & Reengineering

    • Introduction to Software Testing
    • Principles of Testing
    • Verification and Validation
    • test activities
    • types of s/w test
    • black box testing
    • testing boundary condition
    • structural testing
    • test coverage criteria Based on data flow mechanisms
    • regression testing, testing in the large
    • S/W testing strategies
    • strategic approach and issue
    • unit testing – integration testing – validation testing – system testing and debugging. Maintenance & Reengineering: Software Maintenance
    • Software Supportability
    • Reengineering, Business Process Reengineering
    • Software Reengineering
    • Reverse Engineering
    • Restructuring
    • Forward Engineering


  1. Basics of Artificial Neural Networks

    • Trends in Computing
    • Pattern & Data
    • Pattern Recognition Tasks
    • What is a neural network
    • The Human Brain
    • Characteristics of Neural Networks
    • Historical development of neural network principles
    • Weights
    • Types of Activation functions
    • Bias
    • Threshold
    • Models of Neuron
    • Topology
    • Basic Learning Laws
    • Network Architectures
  2. Fundamental Models of Artificial Neural Networks

    • Activation And Synaptic Dynamics
      • Introduction
      • Activation Dynamics Models
      • Synaptic Dynamics Models
      • Learning Methods
      • Stability and Convergence
      • Recall in Neural Networks McCulloch-Pitts Neuron Model
      • Perceptron
    • Learning Rules
      • Hebbian Learning Rule
      • Hebb Net
      • Perceptron Networks
  3. Adaline and medaline Networks

    • Introduction,Adaline
      • Architecture, Algorithm
      • Application Algorithm
      • Medaline-Architecture
      • MRI Algorithm
      • MRII Algorithm
    • Associative Memory Networks
      • Hetro Associative Memory Neural Networks
      • Auto Associative Memory Network
      • Bi-Directional Associative Memory
  4. Feedback Networks

    • Discrete Hopfield Net
      • Architecture, Training Algorithm
      • Continuous Hopfiled Net
    • Feed Forward Networks
      • Back Propagation Network
        • Training Algorithm
        • Selection of Parameters
      • Radial Basis function Network
  5. Application of Neural Networks

    • Application of Neural Networks in
      • Bioinformatics
      • Image Processing & Compression
      • Pattern Recognition
      • Robotics
      • Forecasting