Many generations of students have taken courses on programming in Devman. And they liked everything, except for one thing: there were no notifications about checked tasks. To find out the status of my work, you had to go to the site - it is inconvenient and somehow ineffective.
Devman takes care of the students. Therefore, upon learning about such a problem, they made a special service where you can send your request. And quickly get the status of the task in response to “has my work already been checked?”.
This script is a client of the service.
Download code:
git clone
Go to the project directory:
cd BotDevmanCheck2
In the project directory create virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
Activate it:
- Windows:
- MacOS/Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies in virtual environment:
pip install -r requirements.txt
In the project directory create a file .env
— API personal token, which you can get on Devman site.TELEGRAM_ACCESS_TOKEN
— Telegram Bot API key, received by you after registering the bot at Bot Father.TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID
— To obtain yourchat_id
, text in Telegram to special bot:@userinfobot
Start the script:
Register on Heroku site and create an app.
Link your GitHub account to Heroku and press Deploy Branch on the Deploy tab.
Create Procfile and enable it on the Resources tab:
bot python3
Fill in the Config Vars previously specified in the .env file in the Settings tab.
In the directory with your .env
docker run --env-file ./.env -d --name bot_cont amatoravg/bot-devman-check
The code is written for educational purposes on online-course for web-developers