
SkrivArk is a simple tool to create hierarchical pages of formatted text.

Primary LanguagePHP


SkrivArk (or simply "Ark") is a new kind of wiki software. It's a simple tool to create hierarchical pages of text.

Test it

There is a demonstration site: http://arkdemo.skriv.org

  • login: demo@demo.com
  • password: demo

Install it

Deploy the project and configure your virtual host to point to the 'www' subdirectory.

Set full read-write access to 'log/' and 'tmp/' directories, and to the configuration file:

chmod 777 log tmp etc/temma.json

Go the the site with your web navigator. You'll be directed through the installation process.

If you want to enable comments on the pages, you need to set up an account on Disqus.


This project was created by Amaury Bouchard (amaury@amaury.net), based on SkrivMarkup, Temma, FineBase and Bootstrap.

It is cross-licensed under the terms of two licenses:

All files are provided "AS IS", without any warranty.

Copyright © 2013, Amaury Bouchard