Sender Wallet Extention Integration Tutorial

Initial the wallet

Method: Init
* Initial the wallet. If current account has already sign in this contract, init() will auto signin
* @param {*} contractId contract account id
* @returns { accessKey } accessKey is empty string("") if has not request sign in before.
init({ contractId })
const contractId = 'wrap.testnear';
const res = await window.wallet.init({ contractId });

Get current account id

Method: getAccountId
* @returns current account id
const accuntId = window.wallet.getAccountId();

Request sign in

Method: requestSignIn
* @param {*} contractId contract account id
* @param {*} methodNames the method names on the contract that should be allowed to be called. Pass null for no method names and '' or [] for any method names.
* @returns { accessKey } signed in access key
requestSignIn({ contractId, methodNames })
const contractId = 'xxx';
const methodNames = [''];
const res = await window.wallet.requestSignIn({ contractId, methodNames });

Sign out

Method: signOut
// Clean the signed in accessKey from storage

Check the account is signed in

Method: isSignedIn
* Check the current account is signed in with initial contract
* @returns true or false
if (window.wallet.isSignedIn()) {
  // TODO

Listen the current accmount changed

Method: onAccountChanged
* Listen the current account changed
* @param {*} callback (accountId) => { "TODO if account has changed" }
window.wallet.onAccountChanged((changedAccountId) => {
  // TODO if account has changed

Sign and send transaction

Method: signAndSendTransaction
* @param {*} contractId contract account id
* @param {*} methodName contract method name
* @param {*} receiverId receiver account id
* @param {*} amount transfer near amount
* @param {*} params function call arguments
* @param {*} gas transaction gas
* @param {*} deposit transaction attached deposit
* @param {*} usingAccessKey If 'true', will using access key to make function call and no need to request user to sign this transaction. Set 'false' will popup a notification window to request user to sign this transaction.
* @returns the result of send transaction
signAndSendTransaction({ contractId, methodName, receiverId, amount, params, gas, deposit, usingAccessKey })
// Normal transfer
// Transfer NEAR to others
const options = {
  receiverId: 'xxxx.testnet',
  amount: parseNearAmount('1'),
  usingAccessKey: false,
const res = await window.wallet.signAndSendTransaction(options);
// Contract method function call
// Say hi to the contract by using access key
const options = {
  contractId: 'dev-1635836502908-29682237937904',
  methodName: 'sayHi',
  usingAccessKey: true,
const res = await window.wallet.signAndSendTransaction(options);
// Contract method function call
// Deposit storage to wrap.testnet
const options = {
  contractId: 'wrap.testnet',
  methodName: 'storage_deposit',
  params: {
    account_id: window.wallet.accountId,
    registration_only: true,
  gas: parseNearAmount('0.00000000003'),
  deposit: parseNearAmount('0.00125'),
const res = await window.wallet.signAndSendTransaction(options);
// Contract method function call
// Swap NEAR to wNEAR
const options = {
  contractId: 'wrap.testnet',
  methodName: 'near_deposit',
  deposit: parseNearAmount('1'),
  gas, // optional
  deposit, // optional,
  usingAccessKey: false,
const res = await window.wallet.signAndSendTransaction(options);
// Contract method function call
// Send wNEAR to others
const options = {
  contractId: 'wrap.testnet',
  methodName: 'ft_transfer',
  params: {
    received_id: 'xxxx.testnet',
    amount: '1000000000000000000',
  gas, // optional
  deposit, // optional,
  usingAccessKey: false,
const res = await window.wallet.signAndSendTransaction(options);