
BrainF interpreter written in C

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Welcome to BrainFC!

BrainFC is a BrainF interpreter written in C!

main.c contains the main source code for the interpreter. Additionally, there is a compile-and-run script at brainf.sh that can be used to quickly compile and run a BrainF program! There is also an example program at example.bf that runs the fibonacci sequence to test out the interpreter! To run the example, simply run one of the following commands:

  • sh brainf.sh example.bf
  • ./brainf.sh example.bf (given proper permissions to brainf.sh)
  • bash brainf.sh example.bf (if you want to use bash instead of sh)
  • ./brainf example.bf (if you have already compiled the C source code)

Note: This is not cross-platform yet and only supports Linux due to modifications that were required to the , command in BrainF to receive input properly in a Linux shell. Additionally, the compile-and-run script uses clang which is not available on Windows.