
Getting started

This workshop is separated into several topics that cover various aspects of infrastructure as code with terraform aspects. Each topic relevant terraform configuration code is placed into a separate directory. Main directory where the participant would perform terraform runs is "working-dir". This is where contents from each topic directory should be copy/pasted as progressing through the workshop.

IaC workshop architecture


You need to have:

  • This repo forked to your account

  • Terraform in your path, AWS account and credentials set in order to provision target infra.

    • Create a separate aws profile in your ~/.aws/credentials file if this is not your default credentials:
     cat ~/.aws/credentials   
     aws_access_key_id = ******************
     aws_secret_access_key = *************************************
    • Set environment variable for your new aws profile:
     export AWS_PROFILE=iac-workshop-account 

Then follow the instructions in each topic.