is the heart of our project, serving as the primary script that drives the functionality of our application.

Description is the backbone of our application, leveraging the power of the Langchain API to perform complex language processing tasks. It creates a simulated environment of a chat room, populated with AI-driven experts and a moderator. The chat room is more than just a conversation space; it's a dynamic, interactive platform where users can ask questions and gain insights on a wide range of topics. The application is built on the robust Streamlit framework, a popular choice for developing machine learning and data science web applications.

How it works

The application employs advanced AI and the Langgraph library to create a realistic chat room simulation. This virtual room is filled with AI experts, each capable of answering questions and providing valuable insights on a multitude of topics. To maintain a conducive and respectful environment, a moderator is always present in the chat room, ensuring that the conversation remains focused and productive.


You can install these packages using poetry by running the following commands: poetry install

Running the App

Use this command to run the app: poetry run streamlit run App should be available at : http://localhost:8501/