

This is a project I originally created for school to generate a markdown file to use as a README.MD. This page is made using Node.js and does not have a deployed page. As a student I was instructed to create an application that takes in user information to create a simple readMe file. Using the inquirer module I collected user information through prompts and using the file system module I generate a markdown file using the information provided by the user. There was a develop folder provided to me with the assignment and I myself only added to the functionality to the already defined functions in the index.js and generateMarkdown.js.

Started new updates on 08/28/2022--->>>>>>

  • Fixed file structure
  • Added prompts for whether user would like a simple, regular or advanced readme

Future updates brewing--->>>>>>

  • Would like to add more options to generate installation instuctions-ex. if node.js project npm i, node index.js to run
  • Would like a choose a badge section for dependencies and tools used
  • Has a prompt for custom sections that is currently not active
  • Use a cli tool to make application a pop a little more

Here is a video of the page to show you functionality

  • otherwise there are GIFS of the functionality as well

Here is a link to the video

make sure to let it load for a few seconds before playing, google drive doesn't always give the best quality at first

GIFS of functionality

Init application

GIF of page

Generate readMe

GIF of page

Basic function

GIF of page

Screenshot of page created during video


this file is also found here