

NLP gives machines the ability to understand, read, and get meaningful insights from the human language.

Project walkthrough

  1. Data Description and visualization

  2. Data Preprocessing

    a. Conversion to lowercase

    b. Tokenization

    c. Stopwords removal

    d. Punctuation removal

    e. Stemming

  3. Bag of Words

    a. Binary

    b. Non-binary

    c. N-grams

  4. TF-IDF

  5. Model Building and Accuracy

  6. Predictions on new reviews

Tech stack

  • Language: Python

  • Libraries: pandas, seaborn, matplotlib, sklearn, nltk

Data Description

The dataset contains more than a thousand reviews about an application openly available to the public. The data includes reviews and sentiment, i.e., is the review being either positive or negative with various other variables.

The data looks something like this: image


  • Build a binary text processing and classification model

Modular Code Overview


  1. The input folder contains the data that we have for analysis, named Canva_reviews.xlsx.

  2. The source folder contains all the modularized code for all the above steps in a modularized manner. It includes the following:




    All these python files contain helpful functions that are being used in the file.

  3. The output folder contains all the pre-trained models and vectorizers. These models can be quickly loaded and used for future use, and the user need not have to train all the models from the beginning.

  4. The file contains all the configurations required for this project.

  5. The file is the main file that needs to be called to run the entire code in one go. It trains the model and saves it in the output folder.

  6. The file is used to predict the probability of new reviews.

  7. The requirements.txt file has all the required libraries with respective versions.

Technical walkthrough: Text processing and classification using Logistic Regression

This repository contains the code for basic text processing and building a binary text classifier using Logistic Regression


To install the dependencies run:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The dataset is a custom dataset where reviews about an app are taken from app store and the reviews are classified either as positive or negative

Train the model

To train the model run:

python --file_name Canva_reviews.xlsx --vectorizer bowb --output_name binary_count_vect

Here we use 4 types of vectorizers:

  • Bag of Words - bow
  • Binary Bag of Words - bowb
  • N-grams - ng
  • TF-IDF - tf


To make prediction on a new review Its the worst app ever I save my design lts not save, run:

python --text 'Its the worst app ever I save my design lts not save' --model_name binary_count_vect

Here binary_count_vect is the file name used to save the model and the vectorizer during the training phase

Note on NLTK Package:

For installing NLTK, use the command pip install nltk
After downloading, the NLTK corpus has to be downloaded
Run import nltk followed by in jupyter notebook
This will open a separate window where you can donwnload the necessary packages
For this project, you will need the following packages:

  1. punkt
  2. stopwords
  3. wordnet