A social media platform for connecting with other language learners. Gothenburg, Sweden only for now.
You can see a working copy at snackar.herokuapp.com
- Rails
- Devise
- ZURB Foundation
- Thredded (forums)
- Faker
- Cucumber / Capybara
- Rspec
- Travis
- Coveralls
- Dana Mulder, who wrote this lovely messaging tutorial. It was a great jumping-off point for what I really needed.
- Thredded which was probably too much for this little social app, but designed so beautifully and works so well with the rest of the Rails environment, I have to give props.
Add languages for usersInstallhas_friendship
so users can friend each otherDeploy app for staging / testingUsers can find others whose languages match upInstall a messaging service so users can message each otherStyle and sanitize params for login, edit user registrationCreate a nav bar- Get Foundation Javascript working for a "real" nav bar
Create forums so users can post publicly- Install an admin interface so users
and forum postscan be monitored for inappropriate activity - Research security settings and make sure user data is not compromisable
- Add photos for users
- Install i18n translation for at least Swedish, hopefully other languages too (will need help - Arabic, anyone?)
- Style flash messages
- Users' language list should be links to lists of users who speak / want to speak those languages
- Production deployment to Digital Ocean
- Language and Learning lists need to populate with the values already in the database (on the edit profile form).
Refactor messaging to use helpers likeuser.conversations
- Unit test helper methods.
- Fix the stupid problem with
rails db:environment:set RAILS_ENV=test
- Better 404 & 500 pages
- Facebook OAuth
- Seed file
- Add continuous deployment with Travis
In addition to database setup and bundle
and self-evident Rails stuff, you also need to:
rake thredded:install:emoji
locally and on your server.- If you want to create messagesboards manually, use
Thredded::Messageboard.new(name: 'Whatever', description: 'whatever')