Object Attributes - Lab


In this lab, we will practice defining classes and instance methods. We will also practice working with getter and setter (read and write) methods using properties and decorators to operate on instance variables.


You will be able to:

  • Practice defining classes and instantiating instances of those classes
  • Practice defining instance methods

Defining Classes and Instance Methods

In the cells below define a Driver class and define a Passenger class.

Our driver instance objects should have instance variables for first name, last name, miles driven, and rating. We can name these instance variables _first, _last (short for first and last name), _miles_driven, and _rating. We will want to be able to access, change, and delete these values using the appropriate properties.

After defining the above instance methods, define an instance method called greet_passenger, which returns the string Hello! I'll be your driver today. My name is followed by that driver's first name and last name (i.e. Hello! I'll be your driver today. My name is John Doe).

# Define Driver Class here with properties for each instance variable
driver = Driver()
driver.first = "Rachel"
driver.last = "Jensen"
driver.miles_driven = 100
driver.rating = 4.9
print(driver.first) # "Rachel"
print(driver.last) # "Jensen"
print(driver.miles_driven) # 100
print(driver.rating) # 4.9
driver.greet_passenger() # Hello! I'll be your driver today. My name is Rachel Jensen

In the Passenger class, we will want our passenger instance objects to have the attributes first name, last name, and email. Let's continue using the leading underscore naming convention we employed in our Driver class and name these instance variables _first, _last, and _email. Define the appropriate instance methods using property and the appropriate decorators for reading (getting), writing (setting), and deleting instance variables.

Next, we want to define an instance method called yell_name which returns a string with the passengers name in all caps (i.e. "RON BURGUNDY").

# Define Passenger Class here with properties for each instance variable
passenger = Passenger()
passenger.first = "Ron"
passenger.last = "Burgundy"
passenger.email = "ron.burgundy1984@gmail.com"
print(passenger.first) # "Ron"
print(passenger.last) # "Burgundy"
print(passenger.email) # "ron.burgundy1984@gmail.com"
passenger.yell_name() # "RON BURGUNDY"

Great work!


In this lab, we practiced defining classes, instance methods, and utilizing the property function to create, getter setter, and deleter properties so we could access and operate on our instance variables.