
Primary LanguagePython


official repo: https://github.com/xingyizhou/CenterNet/src

input: [h,w,3]
output: s4 heatmap+offsets+size [h//s, w//s, c+2+2]
backs: hourglass/resnet/DLA
heads: independent 3x3 conv + 1x1 conv
    * det loss: grid focal loss, with penalty reduction on negatives
    * offset loss: l1, offh = h/s-h//s, 中心点相对grid原点的offset
    * size loss: l1, 直接回归heatmap level的wh而不是offset(e.g. 如果input是512,那wh回归范围就是[0,128]), factor=0.1

    - center的回归对标confidence的回归,区别在于高斯/[0,1]/[0,-1,1]
    - offset的回归对标bounding box中心点的回归,完全一样
    - size的回归变成了raw pixel,不再基于anchor
    - hourglass结构就是fpn,级联的hourglass可以对标bi-fpn
    - 多尺度变成了单一大resolution特征图,也可以用多尺度预测,需要加NMS

MAP on COCO without TTA: 
ResNet-101: 34.6 AP at 45 FPS
DLA-34: 37.4% AP at 52 FPS 
Hourglass-104: 45.1% AP at 1.4 FPS
(加上test time multi-scale能涨5个点,说明single-scale是瓶颈)


* hourglass-104
reference: https://github.com/AmberzzZZ/backbones/tree/master/hourglass
stacked: 跟cornetNet里的结构一样,一个降采样的hourglass加上两个镜像对称的hourglass,参数量贼大
intermediate supervision:
    - centerNet论文里没提
    - cornerNet论文里提了:用了但是不作为下一级输入
    - 实验发现intermediate supervision非常重要!!!收敛快,而且heatmap更准

* resnet-101
decoder design: 
    - channel数: [256,128,64]
    - 3x3 deformable conv + transpose conv(initialized as bilinear interpolation)

* DLA-34
decoder design: 
    - 与encoder镜像对称的结构
    - replace the original conv with 3x3 deformable conv at every upsampling layer
    - add more skip connections from each level
    - 与resnet back的主要不同是每个feature level融合了前一层的feature

* one attemp
centerNext: 因为发现hourglass中大量使用了residual block,考虑换成resNext block,提升计算效率

se-centerNext: one step further, add se-blocks in residuals

compose augmentation: 
    所以label smoothing也用不成


3x3 conv(256) + 1x1 conv

test time decoder(from points to bnd boxes)

for each heatmap channel:
* take top 100 8-connected-neighbor-peaks: inplemented by 3x3 max pooling
* 将peaks的xywh通道转化成box value
* 论文声称无需任何NMS/其他后处理,但是top100本身就会带来冗余框,可能不影响precision,但是假阳就是很多啊??

training details

* input size: 512x512x3
* output: 128x128
* aug: random flip & random scaling(0.6-1.3) & cropping & color jittering
* Adam: batch size=128, lr=5e-4(drop by x10 at ep90 & ep120), 140 epochs, 


official repo: https://github.com/xingyizhou/CenterNet2

main modifications from v1:

* two-stage probablilistic model
    stage1是一个前/背景的RPN head,预测一个object heatmap,用了ResNet-FPN(ResNeXt-32x8d-101-DCN),multi-scale预测,P3-P7
    stage2是一个CascadeRCNN head,只有object heatmap是前景的格子有预测,prob是centerness*stage1_prob

* workflow params
    stage2的proposal IoU thresh提高到[0.6, 0.7, 0.8],用于从proposals里面区分前背景

* loss
    cls loss
    - 论文里两阶段的训练和监督都是联动的
        - 拆分为前景loss和背景loss:因为只有stage1预测为前景才进行stage2的bnd预测
        - 论文里前景loss是个等式,背景loss是个不等式(通过优化两个bounds替代)
    - 但是我看代码里就是基于gt的focal loss各算各的
        - 包括stage2的:heatmap_focal_loss
        - 和stage1那个agn的:binary_heatmap_focal_loss

    reg loss: giou,这个没变

* *操作堆叠
    deformable conv
    FCOS的scale limit

structure details

1. agn: rpn branch,只负责生成一个heatmap,build over the box tower
2. cls tower & box tower:两个独立的预测分支,4 convs+head,not shared,convs是conv with bias + groupNorm
3. CascadeROIHeads: https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/blob/master/detectron2/modeling/roi_heads/cascade_rcnn.py
    - RPN提出的proposals大部分质量不高,因此没办法直接使用高iou阈值的detector
    - Cascade R-CNN使用cascade回归作为一种重采样的机制,逐stage提高proposal的IoU值
    - 每一个stage的detector都不会过拟合,而且不会出现train & test mismatch

training details