
HikeOrientation-ML Intern

Primary LanguagePython


The assignment is to build automated scrapping tool and perform clustering on multi-modality that is on text and image, extracted using scrapping tool.

Data Scraping

In this assignment we have to extract images and text from following websites:


Create a text file and input the total number of datapoints to be scraped. Specify the path to that text file to the argument --total_size to extract the specific number of datapoints. By default it is 10

Run following commands:

python3 DatasetScraper/main.py scrape \\
	--url <myntra/allRecipes>
	--filepath <path>
	--total_size @DatasetScraper/config.txt

After Scraping CLI will ask for Train set's size, and divide the dataset to clustering_train and clustering_test directory. Each directory will contain scraped images and a CSV file for textual data.


In this assignment apply the K-Means algorithm, over the fused representation of texts and images. I used BERT-base and ViT for creating representation of text and image respectively.


Create a text file and input the total number of clusters for the K-mean algorithm to form. Specify the path to that text file to the argument --k. This will specify number of centroids for K-Mean algorithm. By default it is 2.

Run following commands:

## For Training
python3 MultiModalClustering/main.py cluster-train \\
	--datapath <path>/clustering_train
	--modelpath <path to save kmean algorithm>
	--batch_size <number of datapoints to process at each iteration>
	--k @<path to configuration text file>
## For Testing
python3 MultiModalClustering/main.py cluster-test \\
	--datapath <path>/clustering_test
	--modelpath <path to pickled kmean algorithm>
	--batch_size <number of datapoints to process at each iteration>
	--k @<path to configuration text file>

After training or testing the images in clustering_train and clustering_test will be moved to clustered directory respectively with CSV file containing cluster class to which particular instance belongs to.


Packages used: