
Primary LanguageJavaScript


FastSFC is a search engine for listed company documents. We currently support documents on HKSE, NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX. Website: http://fastsfc.com


FastSFC's webapp runs on Django, React and MySQL. You will need the following dependencies in order to set it up:

  • python 3.6.5
  • pip 19.1.1
  • node 10.15.1
  • npm 6.9.0
  • npm-run-all 4.1.5
  • mysql 5.7.23

Deployment structure

FastSFC is deployed with the following servers:

  1. DB server: MySQL hosted on Amazon RDS
  2. Search DB server: ElasticSearch hosted on ElasticCloud
  3. Web server: React client and Django server (i.e. code in this repo) hosted on EC2
  4. Compute server: Scraper code (i.e. code in scraper repo) hosted on EC2 that runs periodic cron jobs to fetch companies and documents

Web and compute servers are Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-1035-aws x86_64).


Create virtualenv for project

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate

Clone repository, install packages and configure settings

cd path/to/app/repository
pip3 install -r requirements.pip
cp app/settings/local.sample.py app/settings/local.py

For errors installing mysqlclient, please refer to the package docs. On macOS, you may have to:

  1. Install MySQL development headers and libraries: brew install mysql-connector-c
  2. Fix bug on MySQL Connector/C
which mysql_config
vim path/to/mysql_config

On macOS, on or about line 112, change:

# Create options
libs="$libs -l "


# Create options
libs="$libs -lmysqlclient -lssl -lcrypto"
  1. Configure SSL by adding exports suggested in brew info openssl to ~/.bash_profile

Create and prepare MySQL database Ensure DATABASES in app/settings/local.py is configured to connect to MySQL database

mysql -u {{ mysql_user }}
create database {{ db_name }}

** Seed database**

Download and install seed database from url. (will take a while as database is 1.5GB)

Migrate to update table structure.

python3 manage.py migrate

Install frontend dependencies

npm install

Start project

npm run-script start


npm run-script deploy:web
npm run-script deploy:compute

Scraper (Optional)

FastSFC is comprised of a webapp (django) and scraper (scrapy). If you have access to the scraper module and would like to use it with the webapp, you may clone it as follows:

git clone https://justinyek@bitbucket.org/justinyek/fast-crawler.git scraper