Ray Tracing in One Weekend

This repo is a simple implementation of ray tracing based on Ray Tracing in One Weekend and Ray Tracing: The Next Week. In this implementation some issues in the original code are fixed and some structures of codes are changed. Also some new features and examples are added. However there is still a bug when rendering Cornell box that the front box is blocked by the other.

Output a PPM image

Write the rgb triplets to the file with the redirection '>'

Implement point, color and ray as Vec3

First implement class Vec3 and directly typedef point and color as Vec3, then implement ray with two Vec3.

Add hittable

Implement abstract base class Hittable with virtual function hit, then implement sphere and hittable list. When implementing box, find bug in the book that it doesn't compare which hit happens first, which is the real hit, so add checking whether t of new hit is greater than that rec stores

Add camera

Capsule the aspect ratio, focal length... in a class

Add antialias

Simple antialias by sampling.

Implement diffuse

with output direction randomly chosen and recursively compute the reflection with an upper bound of reflection times.

Gamma correction

correct rgb computing from linear to sqrt


Abstract class

virtual function scatter


Pure diffusion


Pure reflection

Something about linking

Material has a Hit_record member while Hittable_record has a Material member, must declare the class in x.h and include both x.h and y.h in .cpp

metal fuzz

Pure reflection also has a fuzz, add fuzzy * random_vector().


has both reflection/scatter and refraction With Snell's law, we have $R^\prime_\perp=\frac{\eta}{\eta^\prime}(R+n\cos\theta)=\frac{\eta}{\eta^\prime}(R-R\cdot nn)$ For full reflection's sake, must switch whether refract. Schlick's approximation


fov set the lookfrom and the view square

Defocus blur

The Next Week

Motion blur

store existing time of rays and keep the camera in track of time. add moving objects

Bounding volume hierarchies

accelerate ray-obj intersection computing. Split the space into non-intersection parts to build the tree.


every hittables' AABBs can be solved and the hittable list's is the union of the members'.

BVH Tree

build two-branch tree(kd tree) of hittables and the leaves are hittables except BVHNode while the others are all the latter. Hit-examination is actually a pre-order traversal. The building scheme:

  1. randomly choose an axis
  2. sort the primitives (using std::sort)
  3. put half in each subtree Compare the program with and without BVH, the same image is rendered in 10m6s without BVH while in 59s with BVH.


build class Texture, add uv-solving function in Sphere::hit, insert texture to material::scatter.

Perlin Noise

looks like blurred white noise. It takes a 3D point as input and the result is repeatable. Nearby points return similar numbers. To smooth the output, apply tri-lerp to the output. To address the Mach bands, use Hermitian smoothing. To get higher-frequency texture, add arg scale. To make the texture less blocky looking, use random unit vectors rather than doubles. When calculating noise, use dot(rand_vec, weight). Turbulence: sum of Perlin noise with different frequencies. Marble: add regular phase change to turbulence.

Image texture

convert image to u-v so that the size of texture map doesn't suffer from the resolution. The conversion is totally a resizing transform.

Mixed texture

NOT IN THE BOOKS try to bind several textures together to form a new texture.

Rectangles and Light

Light source

add emit in class Material, refactory ray_color to return emitted light and background light.


axis-aligned. UV is linear resizing.

Cornell box




Translate the ray to reach the object and calculate the hit point.


Take y as the pivot, $x^\prime=\cos\theta\cdot x+\sin\theta\cdot z$ $z^\prime=−\sin\theta\cdot x+\cos\theta\cdot z$