
Primary LanguageC


This is a collaborative project to create a custom made printf function which takes inputs and arguments just like the printf available in the standard C library.

Overview of printf

The printf function in C is used for formatted output. It’s part of the Standard Input/Output Library (stdio.h) This function is responsible for writting output to the stdout(standard output stream), and the output produced is based on a format. Printf function contains a formatted string, this string contains both text and format specifiers whic are place holders for the value to e printed.

Format Specifiers

Format specifiers in printf are placeholders that tell the function how to format and print data. They start with a ‘%’ character and are followed by a character that specifies the data type to be printed. The common format specifiers are:

  • %d: Format as a signed decimal integer.
  • %i: formats as a signed integer.
  • %u: Format as an unsigned decimal integer.
  • %f: Format as a floating-point number.
  • %s: Format as a null-terminated string.
  • %c: Format as a character.
  • %x: Format as a hexadecimal number, lowercase.
  • %X: Format as a hexadecimal number, uppercase.