
A dummy template for writing SLY contribs

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

MELPA Build Status

Use this to write a SLY contrib

sly-hello-world is an external contrib for SLY that does nothing useful in itself, but acts is a template for writing other external contribs.

This example makes it easy to setup a SLY extension that:

  • is completely self-contained (doesn't need to be bundled with SLY)

  • has both Emacs-Lisp and Common-Lisp counterparts

    See sly-hello-world.el and slynk-hello-world.lisp

  • has automated Travis tests already in place

    See the file .travis.yml. There are some sample unit tests for this contrib using SBCL and CCL there.

  • is easily added to MELPA

    Just ask make a pull request to MELPA and ask for your recipe to be added to recipes/. Use this template:

(sly-hello-world :fetcher github
                         :repo "capitaomorte/sly-hello-world"
                         :files (:defaults

The remainder of this README.md file is itself a template for the one that should be included in a contrib.

Install from MELPA

Perform the usual MELPA setup and then select sly-hello-world for installation from the package menu or from M-x package-install.

Once it's done, M-x sly should now bring up a hello-world enabled SLY.

In .lisp files you can now use M-x sly-hello-world to be informed about the hello-worldness of your Lisp.

Melpa-less install

Since this is an external contrib with both Elisp and Lisp parts, merely loading the Elisp will have little effect. The contrib has to be registered in SLY's sly-contribs variable for SLY to take care of loading the Lisp side on demand.

For convenience, the sly-hello-world-autoloads file takes care of this automatically. So the following setup in your ~/.emacs or ~/.emacs.d/init/el init file should be enough:

;;; regular SLY setup
(setq inferior-lisp-program "/path/to/your/preferred/lisp")
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/sly")
(require 'sly-autoloads)

(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/sly-hello-world")
(require 'sly-hello-world-autoloads)

In case you already have SLY loaded and running, you might have to M-x sly-setup and M-x sly-enable-contrib to enable it.

sly-hello-world should now kick in in Lisp buffers.