
Skeleton project to build asciidoctor reveal.js presentation

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build and serve your AsciiDoctor-reveal.js presentation

Skeleton project to live-edit and present your AsciiDoctor-reveal.js slides.


  • Fork and git clone this repo

  • Run :

docker-compose up
  • Open your browser and go to: http://localhost:8000

  • Now you can edit your slides, and view them in your browser

For open by default your presentation, just override "INDEX" in docker-compose.yml file.



You can follow this tutorial or check the samples in slides directory to create your slides using AsciiDoctor.


Generated html files are available in output directory.


If you just want to generate html page, run :

docker run -v $PWD/slides/:/opt/slides/ -v $PWD/output:/opt/output/ --rm ameausoone/docker-image-asciidoctor-reveal.js make

Publish to Github pages

To publish your presentation to Github pages, follow this article.