Each directory contains a README.md or solution.gradle that will explain either the concept being explored or the exercise at hand. For each exercise, hints and a solution.gradle file are also provided.
This course is specifically concerned with the app build process, not writing apps in the first place. If you're just starting out on your Android journey,
Gradle is an open-source build automation tool focused on flexibility and performance. Gradle build scripts are written using a Groovy or Kotlin DSL. Read about Gradle features to learn what is possible with Gradle.
. Highly customizable — Gradle is modeled in a way that is customizable and extensible in the most fundamental ways. . Fast — Gradle completes tasks quickly by reusing outputs from previous executions, processing only inputs that changed, and executing tasks in parallel. . Powerful — Gradle is the official build tool for Android, and comes with support for many popular languages and technologies.