Next.js 13 Authentication System
Next.js 13 Authentication system using JSON Web Tokens
Libraries used
- Zod - For Validation Schema
- Jose - For generating and verifying JWT tokens
- Bcryptjs - For hashing passwords
How to run
First clone the repo or download code then open the folder in ternimal.
Then run the following commands
npm i -g pnpm
pnpm i
npx prisma migrate dev --name init
After running these commands your authentication api will be ready to use
Use this command to run the api
pnpm run dev
Testing the API
You can test this API in postman
- First run the API using
pnpm run dev
command - Then in Postman go to
endpoint and send new user registeration data in request body using POST method. - Then in Postman go to
endpoint and send user data to login in request body using POST method. - Then in Postman go to
endpoint to get current logged in user details using GET method. - Then in Postman go to
endpoint to logout using GET method.