
Modular SRAM-based 2D hierarchical-search Binary Content Addressable Memory (2D-BCAM)

Primary LanguageVerilogOtherNOASSERTION

Modular SRAM-based 2D Hierarchical-Search

Binary Content Addressable Memory (BCAM)

Ameer M. S. Abdelhadi and Guy G. F. Lemieux

The University of British Columbia (UBC) 2014

{ ameer.abdelhadi; guy.lemieux } @ gmail.com

A fully parameterized and generic Verilog implementation of the suggested modular SRAM-based 2D hierarchical-search Binary Content Addressable Memory (BCAM), together with other approaches are provided as open source hardware. A run-in-batch flow manager to simulate and synthesize various designs with various parameters in batch using Altera's ModelSim and Quartus is also provided.

LICENSE: BSD 3-Clause ("BSD New" or "BSD Simplified") license.

Please refer to the full paper for more information:

A. M.S. Abdelhadi and G. G.F. Lemieux, "Deep and Narrow Binary Content-Addressable Memories using FPGA-based BRAMs," International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT), December, 2014. http://www.ece.ubc.ca/~lemieux/publications/abdelhadi-fpt2014.pdf

CAD Tools Requirements

This project has been tested intensively using Altera's Design Suite version 14.0 Specifically:

  1. Quartus II version 14.0 has been used to synthesize the Verilog implementation
  2. ModelSim Altera Edition version 10.0d (modelsim_ase) has been used to simulate the Verilog implementation.

Furthermore, the run-in-batch synthesis and simulation flow managers have been implemented using C-Shell, hence a /bin/csh should be available in the machine

Files and directories in this package

  • README: This file!
  • LICENSE: BSD 3-Clause ("BSD New" or "BSD Simplified") license
  • fpt2014-paper.pdf: The 2014 Int'l Conf. on Field-Programmable Tech. (ICFPT) paper
  • fpt2014-slides.pdf: The 2014 Int'l Conf. on Field-Programmable Tech. (ICFPT) slides
  • sim: C-shell script: A run-in-batch simulation flow manager
  • syn: C-shell script: A run-in-batch synthesis flow manager
  • mux: C-shell script: Wide pipelined multiplexer generator
  • pe: C-shell script: Priority-encoder recursive generator
  • **reduction:**C-shell script: Wide pipelined reduction function generator
  • **bcam.qpf:**Quartus II project file
  • **bcam.qsf:**Quartus II settings file
  • **bcam.sdc:**Synopsys design constraints file; Design constraints and timing assignments
  • **config.vh:**Verilog: Generated by 'syn', contains design parameters
  • utils.vh: Verilog: Design pre-compile utilities
  • bcam_reg.v: Verilog: Register-based BCAM
  • bcam_bhv.v: Verilog: Behavioral description of BCAM
  • bcam_str.v: Verilog: Segmented Transposed-RAM BCAM
  • bcam_tb.v: Verilog: A Test-bench for BCAM
  • bcam_trc.v: Verilog: Brute-force/Transposed-RAM BCAM cascade
  • bcam_trs.v: Verilog: Brute-force/Transposed-RAM BCAM stage
  • bcam.v: Verilog: Binary Content Addressable Memory (BCAM) wrapper for: Behavioral (BHV), reg-based (REG), transposed-RAM stage (TRS), transposed-RAM cascade (TRC) & segmented transposed-RAM (STR)
  • dpram_be.v: Verilog: Dual-ported RAM with byte-enable
  • mwram_gen.v: Verilog: Generic mixed width RAM; not synthesizable with Altera's devices. May not be synthesizable with other vendors; Check your vendor's recommended HDL coding style
  • mwram_m20k.v: Verilog: Altera's M20K mixed width RAM
  • sbram_m20k.v: Verilog: Single-bit width RAM using Altera's M20K
  • spram.v: Verilog: Generic single port RAM
  • tdpram.v: Verilog: Generic true dual-ported RAM with data flow-through
  • trcam.v: Verilog: Transposed-RAM Stage CAM Core
  • sim.res: A list of simulation results, each run in a separate line, including all architectures
  • syn.res: A list of synthesis results, each run in a separate line, including: frequency, resources usage, and runtime
  • log/: A directory containing Altera's logs and reports

2D BCAM module instantiation

All .v &.vh files in this package should be copied into your work directory. Copy the following instantiation into your Verilog design, change parameters and connectivity to fit your design.

  // instantiate a 2D BCAM
  bcam #( 
    // parameters
    .CAMD ( CAMD ), // CAM depth
    .CAMW ( CAMW ), // CAM/pattern width
    .SEGW ( SEGW ), // Segment width
    .INOM ( INOM ), // binary / Initial CAM with no match (has priority over IFILE)
    .REGW ( REGW ), // binary / register write inputs wEnb, wAddr, & wPatt?
    .REGM ( REGM ), // binary / register match input mPatt?
    .REGO ( REGO ), // binary / register outputs match & mAddr?
    .BRAM ( BRAM ), // BRAM type- "M20K":Altera's M20K; "GEN":generic
    .TYPE ( TYPE )  // implementation type: BHV, REG, TRAM, STRAM
  ) bcam_inst (
    // ports
    .clk  ( clk    ), // clock                  / in
    .rst  ( rst    ), // global registers reset / in
    .wEnb ( wEnb   ), // write enable           / in
    .wAddr( wAddr  ), // write address          / in: [`log2(CAMD)-1:0]
    .wPatt( wPatt  ), // write pattern          / in : [      CAMW -1:0]
    .mPatt( mPatt  ), // patern to match        / in : [      CAMW -1:0]
    .match( match  ), // match indicator        / out:
    .mAddr( mAddr  )  // matched address        / out: [`log2(CAMD)-1:0]

sim: A Run-in-batch Simulation Flow Manager


`./sim <CAM Depth List> <Pattern Width List> <Segment Width List> <#Cycles>`
  • Use a comma delimited list; no space; can be surrounded by brackets (), [], {}, <>
  • CAM depth, pattern width, segment width and cycles are positive integers


  • ./sim 8192 9 8 1000000
    • Simulate 1M cycles of a 8K lines CAM, 9 bits pattern width, 8 bits segments
  • ./sim 2048,4096 8,9,10 8,16 1000000
    • Simulate 1M cycles of CAMs with 2k or 4k lines, 8, 9, or 10 bits pattern, 8 or 16 bits segment. Total of 12 CAM combinations

The following files and directories will be created after simulation :

  • sim.res : A list of simulation results, each run in a separate line, including all design styles.

syn: A Run-in-batch Synthesis Flow Manager


`./syn <Architecture List> <Depth List> <Pattern Width List> <Segment Width List> <Bypassed? List> <Pipelined? List>`
  • Use a comma delimited list; no space; can be surrounded by brackets (), [], {}, <>
  • CAM depth, pattern width and segment width are positive integers
  • Segments width list will be igonred for all architictures except of STR
  • Architecture is one of: REG, TRS, TRC, or STR
    • REG: Register-based Binary Content Addressable Memory
    • TRS: Transposed-RAM Binary Content Addressable Memory
    • TRC: Transposed-RAM Binary Content Addressable Memory
    • STR: Segmented Transposed-RAM Binary Content Addressable Memory
    • Bypassed? bypassed write to achieve match in the next cycle (Binary; 0/1)
    • Pipelined? bypassed BCAM version (Binary; 0/1)


  • ./syn STR 8192 9 8 0 0
    • Synthesis an unpipelined/unbypassed STR BCAM with 8K lines, 9 bits pattern width, and 8 bits segments width.
  • ./syn REG,TRC 2048,4096 8,9,10 8 1 1
    • Synthesis a pipelined/bypassed reg-based/TRC BCAM with 2k or 4k lines, 8, 9 or 10 bits pattern. Segment width is ignored. Total of 6 CAM combinations.

The following files and directories will be created after compilation:

  • syn.res : A list of results, each run in a separate line, including: frequency, resources usage, and runtime
  • log/ : Altera's logs and reports