
configs and config accessories

      ##### ##                            /##        ###                         
   /#####  /##                          #/ ###   #    ###                        
 //    /  / ###                  #     ##   ### ###    ##                        
/     /  /   ###                ##     ##        #     ##                        
     /  /     ###               ##     ##              ##                        
    ## ##      ##    /###     ######## ######  ###     ##      /##       /###    
    ## ##      ##   / ###  / ########  #####    ###    ##     / ###     / #### / 
    ## ##      ##  /   ###/     ##     ##        ##    ##    /   ###   ##  ###/  
    ## ##      ## ##    ##      ##     ##        ##    ##   ##    ### ####       
    ## ##      ## ##    ##      ##     ##        ##    ##   ########    ###      
    #  ##      ## ##    ##      ##     ##        ##    ##   #######       ###    
       /       /  ##    ##      ##     ##        ##    ##   ##              ###  
  /###/       /   ##    ##      ##     ##        ##    ##   ####    /  /###  ##  
 /   ########/     ######       ##     ##        ### / ### / ######/  / #### /   
/       ####        ####         ##     ##        ##/   ##/   #####      ###/    

# Dotfile repo
# v2.0

What is this repo?

This is a repo to backup my own personal dotfiles as my config changes. They aren't really meant for copying but I decided to document them publically for inspiration and in-case anyone picks something up.


Screenshot from 2023-10-02 18-50-14

OS: popOS

Shell: zsh

Terminal: Kitty

GTK Theme: Nordic

Icon Theme: Papirus-Dark

Folder Theme: Papirus Nord

Firefox Theme: Nord

Colorscheme: Nord


Screenshot from 2023-10-02 20-04-54

musicplayer: ncmpcpp

lyrics: sptlrx

visualization: cava



Screenshot from 2023-10-02 20-26-01

busy: Screenshot from 2023-10-02 20-27-13

Screenshot from 2023-10-02 20-16-55


Screenshot from 2023-10-02 14-42-15