
Homepass scripts

Primary LanguageGroovyOtherNOASSERTION

Homepass Scripts

Nintendo Zone


This script will run a curl command hitting a router running DD-WRT that will change the MAC address (i.e. BSSID) of the first virtual interface to a random MAC address that is commonly used for homepass.


  1. Create a config.yaml file using the config_sample.yaml template with your specific values.
  2. Run the script:


  • basicAuth - your router's login credentials, base64 encoding of: username:password
  • routerIpAddress - the IP address of your router
  • macListFile - the file name of the file containing a list of MAC addresses (use the value in the sample config if you're not sure)
  • routerWifiInterface - the wireless interface on the router to update, e.g. "wl0.1" is usually the first virtual interface
  • dynamicMacList - whether a MAC file should be used (false) or if the script should download a fresh list of MAC addresses (true)
  • dynamicMacUrl - the URL to download the MAC addresses from if dynamicMacList is set to true


The script automates the following manual process:

  1. Randomly choosing a MAC address from a list of known addesses typically used for homepass (e.g. 00:0D:67:15:D5:44).
  2. Logging into the DD-WRT web interface.
  3. Going to Administration -> Commands.
  4. Running the following commands:
nvram set wl0.1_hwaddr=00:0D:67:15:D5:44
nvram commit

Some routers will let you run something like (without requiring a reboot):

ifconfig wl0.1 down hw ether 00:0D:67:15:D5:44 up

# or:
wl -i wl0.1 down
wl -i wl0.1 bssid 00:0D:67:15:D5:44
wl -i wl0.1 up

My router (Netgear R7000 running DD-WRT v3.0-r27525M (07/15/15) kongac) does not, so I have to update the MAC address in the nvram and then reboot the router for it to take effect. Other folks have come up with alternative solutions for this shortcoming: