Panda API
Panda API is a self-contained RESTful API server built on Jetty, Jersey, and other third-party libraries. For documentation on the available endpoints, see the API section below.
Quick Start
This will start the server and allow you to access the available endpoints.
To download, build, and run the code:
git clone
cd pandapi
gradle clean build
java -jar build/libs/pandapi.jar
The startup and shutdown logs go to STDOUT, and all of the other logs go to the file 'pandapi.log' in the current directory.
To create and retrieve the list of servers:
curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:8080/v1/servers" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d $'{
"server": {
"name": "webServer",
"cpus": 2,
"ram": 4,
"diskSpace": 20
curl -X "GET" "http://localhost:8080/v1/servers"
To stop the server, run:
java -jar build/libs/pandapi.jar -stop
Clean Old Build Files
To clean all of the files created during previous builds:
gradle clean
Build an Executable JAR
To build the pandapi.jar (written to repo dir: build/libs) with all of the necessary dependencies included:
gradle build
Run Integration Tests
A Gradle task was added to run the integration tests against a locally running server (which Gradle will also start and stop).
gradle integrationTest
Generate Javadocs
After generating the Javadocs, point your web browser to the repository directory: build/docs/javadoc/index.html
gradle javadoc
Generate IntelliJ Project Files
Gradle can generate the IntelliJ project files for the source code which will include all of the dependencies.
gradle idea
Use the Java launcher to run the JAR. The built JAR is located in repository directory: build/libs. If no option is passed in, the default action is to start the server.
Start the Server
java -jar pandapi.jar -start
Stop the Server
java -jar pandapi.jar -stop
List servers
Url: /v1/servers
Example Request
GET /v1/servers
Example Response
"servers": [
"id": "ada94535-a3a9-4b2c-a383-f36b0bbaab44",
"name": "testServer",
"cpus": 4,
"ram": 8,
"diskSpace": 40,
"state": "Running"
"id": "aea4f0fd-2f70-427d-b026-fec789984fe4",
"name": "webServer",
"cpus": 2,
"ram": 4,
"diskSpace": 20,
"state": "Building"
- 200 - Returns the list of server resources in the system
Create a server
Building a new server instance can take over 30 seconds. This endpoint will return immediately with an HTTP Accepted status or a Bad Request status. If the request is accepted, the response will contain the HTTP "Location" header containing the URI of the new resource (that can be used to check on the resource's state).
Url: /v1/servers
Example Request
POST /v1/servers
"server": {
"name": "webServer",
"cpus": 2,
"ram": 4,
"diskSpace": 20
Example Response (202 Accepted)
"server": {
"id": "aea4f0fd-2f70-427d-b026-fec789984fe4",
"name": "webServer",
"cpus": 2,
"ram": 4,
"diskSpace": 20,
"state": "Building"
Example Response (400 Bad Request)
"error": "Name must be specified, Number of CPUs should be 1 or higher"
- name (required) : Name of the server, cannot be an empty string
- cpus (required) : Number of CPUs the server should be built with, minimum of 1
- ram (required) : Amount of RAM the server should be built with in gigabytes, minimum of 1
- diskSpace (required) : Amount of disk space on the boot disk for the server in gigabytes, minimum of 1
- 202 - Request was accepted, response will contain the newly created resource with a new unique ID
- 400 - Request is invalid, response will contain an error message detailing the issue
Retrieve a server
Url: /v1/servers/:id
Example Request
GET /v1/servers/4e0b19f0-ef4a-4de6-b3a7-4dd74d6a39bd
Example Response
"server": {
"cpus": 4,
"diskSpace": 40,
"id": "c331c428-1e31-4f50-a7b6-aef504868007",
"name": "testServer",
"ram": 8,
"state": "Destroyed"
- 200 - Returns the server resource
- 404 - A server resource with the specified ID could not be found
Delete a server
Url: /v1/servers/:id
Example Request
DELETE /v1/servers/4e0b19f0-ef4a-4de6-b3a7-4dd74d6a39bd
Example Response (400 Bad Request)
"error": "Only servers in the running state can be destroyed"
- 204 - Indicates the resource was destroyed, there will be no body in the response
- 400 - Indicates the resource was not in a valid state for deleting or the specified ID was malformed, server must be in the running state to be deleted
- 404 - Indicates a resource with the specified ID was not found
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations.