
A helper class that will help you get a bitmap object from a SolidWorks Sketch Picture object

Primary LanguageC#

GetBitmap() Extension Method

A helper method that returns bitmap object from a SolidWorks Sketch Picture object


     public void Main()
        ModelDoc2 swModelDoc = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
        SelectionMgr swSelectionMgr = (SelectionMgr)swModelDoc.SelectionManager;
        swModelDoc.SelectByName(0,"Sketch Picture2"); 
        Feature swFeature = (Feature)swSelectionMgr.GetSelectedObject(1);
        SketchPicture sp = (SketchPicture)swFeature.GetSpecificFeature2();          
        string Error = string.Empty;
        Bitmap bitmap = SketchPicture.GetBitmap(out Error);
        if (bitmap != null)