make sure you have the following packages installed
mercurial gcc-4.8 g++-4.8 wget sbt graphviz pycaml python2.7-dev
Install the ocaml base packages
ocaml ocaml-camlp4 opam
make sure you have the following installed:
ocamlfind batteries oasis extlib yojson zarith core oasis2opam oasis
and also the following
install haskell and hackage for the z3 bindings.
Update cabal
cabal install cabal-install
update the package list.
cabal update
Initialize opam
opam init
setup the opam environmental variable
eval $(opam config env)
switch the the supported version of ocaml
opam switch 4.02.1
install the necessary dependencies
ocamlfind batteries oasis extlib yojson
install zarith with special flags
C_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/local/include LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/local/lib CC=gcc-mp-4.8 opam install zarith
First install gcc 4.8 using ports:
sudo port install gcc48
DReal requires gcc 4.8, modify the makefile in DEP to point to your install of gcc/g++ 4.8.
vim dep/dreal/Makefile
This script will prompt you with lines to add to your bashrc or a command you can run to setup the environment.
compile the dependencies
make deps