
CogniCity web app angular project using mapbox gl

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Build Status DOI


UrbanRiskMap web app Angular project using Mapbox GL JS. UrbanRiskMap reports flooding in real-time

Development server

Machine setup

  1. Install NodeJS >= 4.x
  2. Install NPM 5.7.x
    • Even though you may have the latest NodeJS, that doesn't mean you have the latest version of NPM. You can check your version with npm -v. If you need to update, run npm install npm -g.
  3. Install Angular CLI
    • npm install -g @angular/cli

Application setup

  • Install the project dependencies
    • npm install

Start development server

Run npm start for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

For configuring dev server to serve a specific deployment, say PetaBencana.id (deployment key: id):

  1. Set dep=id in package.json > scripts.start
  2. Replace src/environments/environment.ts with src/environments/id/environment.ts

Deployments & Instances

Deployments are projects deployed in a macro-region / country with one or more supported instance regions (cities / counties). Each deployment shall be supported by a separate data server and data base, with map layers and content across instances of a deployment sharing the same properties and structure.

Currently supported deployments with their instances include:

  1. PetaBencana.id
    • Jakarta
    • Bandung
    • Surabaya
    • Semarang
  2. Riskmap.in
    • Chennai
  3. Riskmap.us
    • Broward

The app comprises of a common source code and a few shared assets across these deployments. However, majority of assets and resources are dependent on the deployment. These are picked from the deployments/ folder using the specified deployment key (id | in | us) and placed in the src/ folder before the build process. Ref. tasks/fetch-assets

Project structure

The project structure is as follows:

  • deployments: Deployment specific assets and resources are located here, in directories named with the deployment key.
  • src
    • app
    • assets
      • fonts: Webfont icons, app typography resources
      • icons [DS]: Browser tab icons (favicons), Phone app icons
      • images [DS]: Images, graphics used in app
      • locales [DS]: Locale files for supported languages
      • logos [DS]: Project author, partner's, supporter's logos
    • environments: Environment files are located here, in directories named with the deployment key. Use default angular naming convention, eg.:
      • dev: environment.ts
      • prod: environment.prod.ts
      • stage: environment.stage.ts
    • resources [DS]: Contains app, map content that changes with deployments, but remains the same across environments and instances.
    • styles: Contains global SASS (.scss) style sheets and Angular Material configurations.
    • index.html [DS]: App landing page. Each deployment requires a separate index file for configuring various <meta> tags.
  • tasks: Pre-build tasks are located here.
  • .angular-cli.json: Config file for angular project. When adding a new deployment, insert a directory map for the deployment's environment files here.

NOTE: Folders marked as Deployment Specific [DS] are generated ahead of build scripts. Changes made in the src/ folder will not be tracked and will be overwritten with content from files located in /deployments folder.

Steps to add a new deployment

  1. Choose a two-letter key for deployment, say xy
  2. Create a directory xy under src/environments/
  • Copy dev environment (environment.ts) from any existing deployment, and configure values
  • Open .angular-cli.json, add following keys to environments:
    • "dev-xy": "environments/xy/environment.ts"
  1. Create a directory xy under deployments/
  • Copy contents from any existing deployment, modify accordingly
    • assets/icons: Use this web service to generate web, app icons
    • assets/locales: Must contain a locale file for each language specified in environment > locales > supported languages. Refer to language codes here
    • assets/logos: Must contain app_logo.svg; rest as required
    • resources/info-content: Content for the 'Info' tab
    • resources/instances: Add instance regions along with bounding boxes, and instance codes as used in Back-end config
    • resources/layers: Add configuration values for all layers supported in the deployment. Refer Mapbox layer style specs here
    • resources/moment-locales: Export moment locale from node module for languages other than English
    • resources/report-content: Content for the 'How to report' tab
    • index.html: Modify <meta> tags as required
  1. Refer Development server > Start development server steps as listed above, to run app locally.
  2. Add build scripts in package.json:
  • Add "build-dev-xy" and "build-prod-xy" keys with respective scripts
  • Include "npm run build-dev-xy" in "build-dev" script
  1. Configure .travis.yml to deploy bundle from dist/dev-xy

Progressive Web App testing

Install Chrome lighthouse extension. Run npm run serve-prod-ngsw to locally serve an app over node http-server. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/broward, press lighthouse icon, then 'Generate report'.

Run npm run build to generate files for deployment.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.