
Convert a directory tree to a JS object.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status


Creates a JavaScript object representing a directory tree.


$ npm install directory-tree


const dirTree = require("directory-tree");
const tree = dirTree("/some/path");

And you can also filter by an extensions regex: This is useful for including only certain types of files.

const dirTree = require("directory-tree");
const filteredTree = dirTree("/some/path", { extensions: /\.txt/ });

Example for filtering multiple extensions with Regex.

const dirTree = require("directory-tree");
const filteredTree = dirTree("/some/path", {
  extensions: /\.(md|js|html|java|py|rb)$/

You can also exclude paths from the tree using a regex:

const dirTree = require("directory-tree");
const filteredTree = dirTree("/some/path", { exclude: /some_path_to_exclude/ });

A callback function can be executed with each file that matches the extensions provided:

const PATH = require("path");
const dirTree = require("directory-tree");

const tree = dirTree(
  { extensions: /\.txt$/ },
  (item, PATH) => {

The callback function takes the directory item (has path, name, size, and extension) and an instance of node path.


exclude : RegExp|RegExp[] - A RegExp or an array of RegExp to test for exlusion of directories.

extensions : RegExp - A RegExp to test for exclusion of files with the matching extension.

normalizePath : Boolean - If true, windows style paths will be normalized to unix style pathes (/ instead of \).


Given a directory structured like this:

├── summer
│   └── june
│       └── windsurf.jpg
└── winter
    └── january
        ├── ski.png
        └── snowboard.jpg

directory-tree will return this JS object:

  "path": "photos",
  "name": "photos",
  "size": 600,
  "type": "directory",
  "children": [
      "path": "photos/summer",
      "name": "summer",
      "size": 400,
      "type": "directory",
      "children": [
          "path": "photos/summer/june",
          "name": "june",
          "size": 400,
          "type": "directory",
          "children": [
              "path": "photos/summer/june/windsurf.jpg",
              "name": "windsurf.jpg",
              "size": 400,
              "type": "file",
              "extension": ".jpg"
      "path": "photos/winter",
      "name": "winter",
      "size": 200,
      "type": "directory",
      "children": [
          "path": "photos/winter/january",
          "name": "january",
          "size": 200,
          "type": "directory",
          "children": [
              "path": "photos/winter/january/ski.png",
              "name": "ski.png",
              "size": 100,
              "type": "file",
              "extension": ".png"
              "path": "photos/winter/january/snowboard.jpg",
              "name": "snowboard.jpg",
              "size": 100,
              "type": "file",
              "extension": ".jpg"


Device, FIFO and socket files are ignored.

Files to which the user does not have permissions are included in the directory tree, however, directories to which the user does not have permissions, along with all of its contained files, are completely ignored.


To run tests go the package root in your CLI and run,

$ npm test

Make sure you have the dev dependencies installed (e.g. npm install .)

Node version

This project requires at least Node v4.2. Check out version 0.1.1 if you need support for older versions of Node.