
Pattern library for re-usable React Components

Primary LanguageJavaScript


@atk/pantry is a Pattern Library for re-usable React components at America's Test Kitchen.

Setting up pantry

pantry depends on node version 9.11.2. If you aren't using node 9.11.2, you will need to install it. You can use a node version manager such as nvm to install node 9.11.2 if you dont' have it.

$ git clone git@github.com:Americastestkitchen/pantry.git
$ npm install

Running the app

There is a basic site available within pantry that exposes the components available in the project. The code for the app lives in the app folder at the root of the project.

To run the server:

$ gulp

There are also tests available for all components included in pantry.

To run the tests:

$ gulp test

The home page is a list of components in pantry. Each component has a route associated with it that will render that component. The route for GlobalHeader would be /global_header.

Using components in your project


This example assumes you are including the PageTitle pantry widget within a local container component named DetailPage.

import {PageTitle} from '@atk/pantry';
import React, {PropTypes} from 'react';

export default class DetailPage extends Component {
  static propTypes = {
    msg: PropTypes.object

  render() {
    const {msg: {detail: msg}} = this.props;
    return (
      <main className='detail-main'
        <PageTitle text={msg.buttonText}/>


From within your container component's css file, import the relevant scss files from your project's node_modules directory.

NOTE: This process is still TBD

# DetailPage.scss
@import '~@atk/pantry/dist/Button/Button';

.detail-page {
  button {
    @include pantry-button;

All of the defined styles will be imported into your stylesheet at build time. You can use any of the mixins defined in this package as normal.

Creating a new component


# 1) Clone the `pantry` GitHub repository
$ git clone https://github.com/Americastestkitchen/pantry.git

# 2) `cd` into the `pantry` directory
$ cd pantry

# 3) Create a new project branch based on `develop` (see below for branch naming conventions)
$ git checkout develop
$ git checkout -b jd-ATK-123

# 4) Develop your new component, using the following pattern.

#  -- React component
#  -- SCSS file
#  -- Tests
$ mkdir src/PageTitle
$ mkdir src/PageTitle/__test__
$ touch src/PageTitle/__test__/PageTitle.spec.js
$ touch src/PageTitle/PageTitle.react.js
$ touch src/PageTitle/PageTitle.scss

# Add an export directive to `src/index.js`
exports.PageTitle = import PageTitle from './components/PageTitle';

# Add a link for the component to the Home Page and add a route for the component.

# 5) Update the minor release version in ./package.json (was previously 1.0.0 in this example)
  "name": "atk-pantry",
  "version": "1.1.0",

# 6) Publish your changes to github
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "A new component in all its awesomeness"
$ git push origin jd-ATK-123

# 7) Open PR, have PR reviewed, merge PR to develop
# 8) Merge develop to master

# IMPORTANT - this should happen in master
# 9) Transpile assets and move stylesheets to `dist`
$ gulp dist

# 10) Tag your changes for npm and GitHub
#   - https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/semantic-versioning
#   - https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/version
$ npm version major|minor|patch -m "release message"

# 11) Publish the updated `atk-pantry` package to npm
$ npm publish --access=public

Development Troubleshooting

If you would like to preview some new component development you are doing in your local environment, you can install the @atk/pantry npm package from local source. To do this, for example, within in atk uninstall the existing @atk/pantry package and then install from a local directory:

$ npm uninstall @atk/pantry
$ npm install /path/to/pantry

Note: When working in this manner, for any new changes to show in atk, you will need to make the change in pantry, run gulp dist, npm uninstall and npm install all over again. As such, it is generally more advisable to do the component development directly within pantry's jumper_cables environment or within atk and then export the finished component to pantry.

Updating an existing component

To Update an existing component, follow the same procedure as creating a new component, being sure to increment the version number by running the npm publish major|minor|patch command.

Style guide

Directory structure

│   PageTitle.scss
│   PageTitle.react.js
    │   PageTitle.spec.js


import Component from 'react-pure-render/component';
import React, {PropTypes} from 'react';

export default class PageTitle extends Component {

  static propTypes = {
    text: PropTypes.string.isRequired

  render() {
    const {text} = this.props;

    return (
      <h1 className='page-title'>


Each component created within pantry can optionally include a companion .scss file. This file should ideally contain only highly configurable @mixin declarations. By developing in this manner, the final implementation details are determined by the consuming style sheet and are not dictated by the component itself. For more examples, see DoCSSa.

# each mixin should be prefixed with 'pantry-'
# scss files should be linted prior to release
@mixin pantry-button($backgroundColor: #ff0000, $textColor: #ffffff) {
  background-color: $backgroundColor;
  border: 1px solid gray;
  color: $textColor;
  padding: .5em 1em;
  text-decoration: none;
  border-radius: 3px;

  &:hover {
    transition: all 0.3s ease;
  &:active {