
Just your usual to-do list command-line based app but with data persistence across sessions.

Primary LanguagePython

To-do List App

Command-line project that is capable of storing your tasks across different sessions into a database.


  • Add/delete a task.
  • Set due dates for tasks.
  • Priority system for tasks.
  • Display tasks sorted by due date & priority.
  • Data persistence across sessions.


Python needs a MySQL driver to access the MySQL database.

Also you should have MySQL installed in your system.

Install the following library after cloning the repository:

  python -m pip install mysql-connector-python

And then import mysql.connector

Run Locally

Clone the project


Go to the project directory

  cd Coding-Raja-Technologies-Internship
  • Create a database named todo_list in your MySQL client
  • Create a table named mytasks with the following columns and datatypes:
    • task_id -> PRIMARY KEY SERIAL
    • task -> TEXT
    • due_date -> DATE
    • priority -> ENUM('High','Medium','Low') DEFAULT Medium
    • task_completed -> ENUM('Yes','No') DEFAULT No

Run the project

    python todo_sql.py


  1. Add a task Add-task.png

  2. Delete a task Delete-task.png

  3. Display empty to-do list Display-Empty.png

  4. Display by due-date Display-by-date.png

  5. Display by priority Display-by-priority.png

  6. Display tasks normally Display-tasks.png

  7. Database image Database-status1.png

  8. Clear all tasks All-tasks-cleared.png

  9. Quit Quit.png
