
A S.Y. GUI based desktop Java application that let's the users record their daily expenses and income and keep a track on this data periodically.

Primary LanguageJava

Daily Expenses

A S.Y. Java Project using the Swing GUI platform

Tasks achieved till now

  1. Database designed
  2. Basic UI design decided and artially implemented
  3. Graph UI used

Work remaining to be done

  1. JDBC is yet to be attached to this project
  2. UI to be tweaked to look appealing
  3. Graph to be connected with the data got from the database
  4. Minor bug-fixes

To get this project, I would suggest to either

  1. git pull --reset. Here's the link to the Stack Overflow page explaining the same
  2. Simply download the master branch in the form of a zip file.
  3. Create a new directory, and write the following commands (basically create another git directory for the project)
git init
git git remote add origin https://github.com/AmeyaDaddikar/Daily-Expenses.git
git pull origin master
git fetch origin master
Do add the JRE files specified by Raj to your project