
Template for pptx-python library. Simple wrapper to make slides, import figures, import tables

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PPTemp is a wrapper for python-pptx. It enables you to make powerpoint files in a simple python commands.


pip install pptemp


from pptemp import pptemp

# Initialization
presentation = pptemp()

# Initialization with template
presentation = pptemp(template="./sample/template.pptx")
# Title
presentation.add_title_slide("Title", "Subtitle")

# Create Blank Slide with title on the top
presentation.add_content_slide("Title of the slide")

# Create slides from figures

# Create slides from figures with label
# Set use_bar=False if you don't want the bars to appear

presentation.add_figure_label_slide(dir_path="./sample/fig/*/", use_label=False)

# Save


add_figure_slide() and add_figure_label_slide() are use to import figures automatically from the "./fig" directory.

It will search figures specified by dir_path and img_path.

dir_path = "./fig/*/"
img_path = "*.png"

By Default, the title of the slides are taken from the dir_path and img_path."_" and "." are used as a separator.

If dir_path = "./fig/01_test/", then the title will be "test".
If img_path = "01_test.png", then the label will be "test".

To change where to look for the title and label, you can use the following arguments.

file_regex = re.compile(r".*[_/\\](.*)\.[a-zA-Z]+")
dir_regex = re.compile(r".*[_/\\](.*)[/\\]")


# Basic sample
python sample1.py

# Samples using template-slides
# You need to prepare template pptx files without any slides. If there is a slide, new slides will be appended.
python sample2_using_template.py