Mobile friendly Ember menu component using CSS transitions. More effects and SVG path animations coming soon.
Check out the live demo here
ember install ember-side-menu
Import ember-side-menu styles in your application's app.scss
@import "ember-side-menu";
component is a main container of your menu. Place it on some top level of your DOM
document for example in application.hbs
- side - (string), which side of screen your menu takes. Possible values: ["left", "right"], default: "left"
- width - (string), target width of open menu. CSS width - example values: ["40px", "40%", ...], default: null (default width set in CSS stylesheet to 70%)
- initialTapAreaWidth - (integer, in px) - area width on left/right screen edge when menu swipe opening is initiated, default: 30
- slightlyOpenWidth - (integer, in px) - width of slightly open menu. Menu is opened slightly on tap event
to the edge, default: 20 - slightlyOpenAfter - (integer, in ms) - time delay after which menu is slighlty opened if it is still closed, default: 300
If you want to add backdrop to the rest of the layout while menu opening, then just place {{content-backdrop}}
component after {{#side-menu}}
Like a button component to toggle menu.
You can use default toggle button consist with some toggle bars
You can use your own design block.
You can create a custom one by extending the main component.
import SideMenuToggle from "ember-side-menu/components/side-menu-toggle";
export default SideMenuToggle.extend({
tagName: "button",
classNames: ["navbar-btn", "btn", "btn-link", "pull-left"],
- side - (string), which side of screen your menu toggle takes. Possible values: ["left", "right"], default: "left"
Works like a standard {{link-to}}
helper, but also closes the menu.
There is an available sideMenu
service to control the menu.
export default Ember.Route.extend({
sideMenu: Ember.inject.service(),
actions: {
openSideMenu() {
- open
- close
- toggle
- isOpen (boolean)
- isClosed (boolean)
- isSlightlyOpen (boolean)
- progress (number) 0-100