
Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Starter Template

ReactJS project quick start. Created for NEWBIE.

Table of Contents

Install the template

1. Download the template

Use command

git clone https://github.com/williele/react-starter.git

or download from GitHub

2. Remove git history

Delete folder .git

3. Install package

User command npm install

4. Initial for new git repository (Optional)

  1. Inital and commit
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial Commit"
  1. Push to your repository
git remote add origin <your-github-repository-url>
git push -u --force origin master

Running the app


# Development
npm run build:dev
# Production
npm run build:prod

Build + Watch

# Development
npm run watch:dev
# Production
npm run watch:prod

Serve on server as development

npm start

Files Structure

  ├── config/
  |     ├── webpack.common.js                     * Webpack common config
  |     ├── webpack.dev.js                        * Webpack development config
  |     └── webpack.prod.js                       * Webpack production config
  ├── src/                                        * Source code where compile to javascript
  |     ├── app/                                  * WebApp: folder
  |     |     ├── components/                     * Inital Components folder
  |     |     |     └── title.component.jsx       * Simple example component
  |     |     |
  |     |     ├── pages/                          * Initial Pages folder
  |     |     |     ├── another.page.jsx          * Simple example page component
  |     |     |     └── home.page.jsx             * Simple example page component
  |     |     |
  |     |     └── app.component.jsx               * App main component
  |     |
  |     ├── index.html                            * Where to generate the index page
  |     ├── main.jsx                              * The entry file of app
  |     └── styles.scss                           * Where to compile to index style file
  ├── alias.json                                  * Where for quick define resolve.alias
  ├── config.json                                 * Where to simply setting project config
  └── package.json                                * Where npm uses to manage dependencies



react                               * A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
react-dom                           * This package serves as the entry point of the DOM-related rendering paths
react-router-dom                    * Collection of navigational components that compose declaratively with your application

Development dependencies

webpack                             * Build tool for javascript
webpack-cli                         * Webpack command package
webpack-dev-server                  * Live server compile and review on localhost for webpack
webpack-merge                       * Merge webpack configure

babel-core                          * ES6 Compiler for javascript
babel-loader                        * Babel loader for webpack
babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx    * Babel plugin which transform jsx dom to react javascript

style-loader                        * Adds CSS to the DOM by injecting a <style> tag
css-loader                          * Css loader
sass-loader                         * Loads a SASS/SCSS file and compiles it to CSS
node-loader                         * Library provides binding for Node.js to LibSass

file-loader                         * Instructs webpack to emit the required object as file and to return its public URL
url-loader                          * Loads files as `base64` encoded URL

clean-webpack-plugin                * Remove build directory before build

html-webpack-plugin                 * Generate HTML files to serve webpack bundles
base-href-webpack-plugin            * Inserting base href tag in head block

Alias config

Create aliases to import or require certain modules more easily. You can quickly set up alias tree for webpack in alias.json file. The root directory of alias is src. Learn more at Official Document

Project configure

Simply configure project parameter for building and developing in config.json file.

  "outputDir": "dist",              * Build directory
  "devPort": 4200                   * Development server port