Binary trees

Learning Objectives

What is a binary tree
What is the difference between a binary tree and a Binary Search Tree
What is the possible gain in terms of time complexity compared to linked lists
What are the depth, the height, the size of a binary tree
What are the different traversal methods to go through a binary tree
What is a complete, a full, a perfect, a balanced binary tree

Data structures

Basic Binary Tree

 * struct binary_tree_s - Binary tree node
 * @n: Integer stored in the node
 * @parent: Pointer to the parent node
 * @left: Pointer to the left child node
 * @right: Pointer to the right child node
struct binary_tree_s
    int n;
    struct binary_tree_s *parent;
    struct binary_tree_s *left;
    struct binary_tree_s *right;

typedef struct binary_tree_s binary_tree_t;

Binary Search Tree

typedef struct binary_tree_s bst_t;

AVL Tree

typedef struct binary_tree_s avl_t;

Max Binary Heap

typedef struct binary_tree_s heap_t;
File/Folder Description
tests Folder of test files for all tasks
  • Helper file provided for the project by alx
  • A function that prints binary trees in a pretty way.
  • Header file containing definitions
  • and prototypes for all types and functions written for the project.
  • A function that creates a binary tree node with a given parent and value.
  • Returns a pointer to the new node, or NULL on failure.
  • A function that inserts a node as the left-child of another.
  • Returns a pointer to the new node, or NULL on failure.
  • If the given parent already contains a left node, the new node takes its place and the old left-child becomes the left-child of the new node.
  • A function that insert a node as the right-child of another.
  • Returns a pointer to the new node, or NULL on failure.
  • If the given parent already contains a right node, the new node takes its place and the old right-child becomes the right-child of the new node.
3-binary_tree_delete.c A function that deletes an entire binary tree.
  • A function that checks if a given node is a leaf.
  • Returns 1 if the node is a leaf, 0 otherwise.
  • A function that checks if a given node is a root.
  • Returns 1 if the node is a root, 0 otherwise.
6-binary_tree_preorder.c A function that traverses a tree using pre-order traversal.
7-binary_tree_inorder.c A function that traverses a tree using in-order traversal.
8-binary_tree_postorder.c A function that traverses a tree using post-order traversal.
9-binary_tree_height.c A function that returns the height of a binary tree.
10-binary_tree_depth.c A function that returns the depth of a given node in a binary tree.
11-binary_tree_size.c A function that returns the size of a binary tree.
12-binary_tree_leaves.c A function that returns the number of leaves in a binary tree.
13-binary_tree_nodes.c A function that returns the number of nodes in a binary tree with at least one child.
14-binary_tree_balance.c A function that returns the balance factor of a binary tree.
  • A function that checks if a binary tree is full.
  • Returns 1 if a tree is full, 0 otherwise.
  • A function that checks if a binary tree is perfect.
  • Returns 1 if a tree is perfect, 0 otherwise.
  • A function that returns a pointer to the sibling of a given node in a binary tree.
  • Returns NULL if no sibling is found.
  • A function that returns a pointer to the uncle of a given node in a binary tree.
  • Returns NULL if no uncle is found.
  • A function that returns a pointer to the lowest common ancestor node of two given nodes in a binary tree.
  • Returns NULL if no common ancestor is found.
101-binary_tree_levelorder.c A function that traverses a binary tree using level-order traversal.
  • A function that checks if a binary tree is complete.
  • Returns 1 if the tree is complete, 0 otherwise.
  • A function that performs a left-rotation on a binary tree.
  • Returns a pointer to the new root node of the tree after rotation.
  • A function that performs a right-rotation on a binary tree.
  • Returns a pointer to the new root node of the tree after rotation.
  • A function that checks if a binary tree is a valid binary search tree.
  • Returns 1 if the tree is a valid BST, 0 otherwise.
  • A function that inserts a value into a binary search tree.
  • Returns a pointer to the new node, or NULL on failure.
  • If the tree is NULL, the value becomes the root node.
  • The value is ignored if it is already present in the tree.
  • A function that builds a binary search tree from an array.
  • Returns a pointer to the root node of the created tree, or NULL on failure.
  • A function that searches for a value in a binary search tree.
  • If the value is matched in the BST, returns a pointer to the matched node.
  • Otherwise, returns NULL.
  • A function that removes a node from a binary search tree.
  • Returns a pointer to the new root node of the tree after deletion.
  • If the node to be deleted has two children, it is replaced with its first in-order successor.
  • A file containing the average time complexities of binary search tree operations (one answer per line):
  • Inserting the value n.
  • Removing the node with the value n.
  • Searching for a node in a BST of size n.
  • A function that checks if a binary tree is a valid AVL tree.
  • If the tree is a valid AVL tree, returns 1.
  • Otherwise, returns 0.
  • A function that inserts a value in an AVL tree.
  • Returns a value to the inserted node, or NULL on failure.
  • A function that builds an AVL tree from an array.
  • Returns a pointer to the root node of the created AVL tree, or NULL on failure.
  • Ignores duplicate values.
  • A function that removes a node from an AVL tree
  • Returns pointer to the new root node of the tree after removing the desired value, and after rebalancing
  • If the node to be deleted has two children, it is replaced with its first in-order successor (not predecessor)
  • A function that builds an AVL tree from an array.
  • Ignores duplicate value in the array
  • Returns pointer to the root node of the created AVL tree, or NULL on failure
  • Text file containing the average time complexities of AVL tree operations (one answer per line):
  • Inserting the value n.
  • Removing the node with the value n.
  • Searching for a node in an AVL tree of size n.
  • A function that checks if a binary tree is a valid Max Binary Heap
  • Returns 1 if tree is a valid Max Binary Heap, and 0 otherwise
  • If tree is NULL, return 0
  • A function that inserts a value in Max Binary Heap
  • Returns pointer to the created node, or NULL on failure
  • Follows a max Heap ordering.
  • A function that builds a Max Binary Heap tree from an array
  • Returns pointer to the root node of the created Binary Heap, or NULL on failure
  • A function that extracts the root node of a Max Binary Heap
  • Returns the value stored in the root node and 0 on failure
  • A function that converts a Binary Max Heap to a sorted array of integers
  • size is assumed a valid address
  • Returns array sorted in descending order
  • Text file containing the average time complexities of binary heap operations (one answer per line):
  • Inserting the value n.
  • Extracting the root node.
  • Searching for a node in a binary heap of size n.

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