
Library for Variational Autoencoder benchmarking

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Python Documentation Status



This library implements some of the most common (Variational) Autoencoder models. In particular it provides the possibility to perform benchmark experiments and comparisons by training the models with the same autoencoding neural network architecture. The feature make your own autoencoder allows you to train any of these models with your own data and own Encoder and Decoder neural networks.


To install the latest version of this library run the following using pip

$ pip install git+https://github.com/clementchadebec/benchmark_VAE.git

or alternatively you can clone the github repo to access to tests, tutorials and scripts.

$ git clone https://github.com/clementchadebec/benchmark_VAE.git

and install the library

$ cd benchmark_VAE
$ pip install -e .

Available Models

Below is the list of the models currently implemented in the library.

Models Training example Paper Official Implementation
Autoencoder (AE) Open In Colab
Variational Autoencoder (VAE) Open In Colab link
Beta Variational Autoencoder (Beta_VAE) Open In Colab link
Importance Weighted Autoencoder (IWAE) Open In Colab link link
VAE with perceptual metric similarity (MSSSIM_VAE) Open In Colab link
Wasserstein Autoencoder (WAE) Open In Colab link link
Info Variational Autoencoder (INFOVAE_MMD) Open In Colab link
VAMP Autoencoder (VAMP) Open In Colab link link
Hyperspherical VAE (SVAE) Open In Colab link link
Adversarial Autoencoder (Adversarial_AE) Open In Colab link
Variational Autoencoder GAN (VAEGAN) 🥗 Open In Colab link link
Vector Quantized VAE (VQVAE) Open In Colab link link
Hamiltonian VAE (HVAE) Open In Colab link link
Regularized AE with L2 decoder param (RAE_L2) Open In Colab link link
Regularized AE with gradient penalty (RAE_GP) Open In Colab link link
Riemannian Hamiltonian VAE (RHVAE) Open In Colab link

See reconstruction and generation results for all aforementionned models

Available Samplers

Below is the list of the models currently implemented in the library.

Samplers Models Paper Official Implementation
Normal prior (NormalSampler) all models link
Gaussian mixture (GaussianMixtureSampler) all models link link
VAMP prior sampler (VAMPSampler) VAMP link link
Manifold sampler (RHVAESampler) RHVAE link
Two stage VAE sampler (TwoStageVAESampler) all VAE based models link link

Launching a model training

To launch a model training, you only need to call a TrainingPipeline instance.

>>> from pythae.pipelines import TrainingPipeline
>>> from pythae.models import VAE, VAEConfig
>>> from pythae.trainers import BaseTrainingConfig

>>> # Set up the training configuration
>>> my_training_config = BaseTrainingConfig(
...	output_dir='my_model',
...	num_epochs=50,
...	learning_rate=1e-3,
...	batch_size=200,
...	steps_saving=None
... )
>>> # Set up the model configuration 
>>> my_vae_config = model_config = VAEConfig(
...	input_dim=(1, 28, 28),
...	latent_dim=10
... )
>>> # Build the model
>>> my_vae_model = VAE(
...	model_config=my_vae_config
... )
>>> # Build the Pipeline
>>> pipeline = TrainingPipeline(
... 	training_config=my_training_config,
... 	model=my_vae_model
...	)
>>> # Launch the Pipeline
>>> pipeline(
...	train_data=your_train_data, # must be torch.Tensor or np.array 
...	eval_data=your_eval_data # must be torch.Tensor or np.array
...	)

At the end of training, the best model weights, model configuration and training configuration are stored in a final_model folder available in my_model/MODEL_NAME_training_YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss (with my_model being the output_dir argument of the BaseTrainingConfig). If you further set the steps_saving argument to a certain value, folders named checkpoint_epoch_k containing the best model weights, optimizer, scheduler, configuration and training configuration at epoch k will also appear in my_model/MODEL_NAME_training_YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss.

Lauching a training on benchmark datasets

We also provide a training script example here that can be used to train the models on benchmarks datasets (mnist, cifar10, celeba ...). The script can be launched with the following commandline

python training.py --dataset mnist --model_name ae --model_config 'configs/ae_config.json' --training_config 'configs/base_training_config.json'

See README.md for further details on this script

Launching data generation

To launch the data generation process from a trained model, you only need to build your sampler. For instance, to generate new data with your sampler, run the following.

>>> from pythae.models import VAE
>>> from pythae.samplers import NormalSampler
>>> # Retrieve the trained model
>>> my_trained_vae = VAE.load_from_folder(
...	'path/to/your/trained/model'
...	)
>>> # Define your sampler
>>> my_samper = NormalSampler(
...	model=my_trained_vae
...	)
>>> # Generate samples
>>> gen_data = normal_samper.sample(
...	num_samples=50,
...	batch_size=10,
...	output_dir=None,
...	return_gen=True
...	)

If you set output_dir to a specific path, the generated images will be saved as .png files named 00000000.png, 00000001.png ... The samplers can be used with any model as long as it is suited. For instance, a GMMSampler instance can be used to generate from any model but a VAMPSampler will only be usable with a VAMP model. Check here to see which ones apply to your model.

Define you own Autoencoder architecture

Pythae provides you the possibility to define your own neural networks within the VAE models. For instance, say you want to train a Wassertstein AE with a specific encoder and decoder, you can do the following:

>>> from pythae.models.nn import BaseEncoder, BaseDecoder
>>> from pythae.models.base.base_utils import ModelOutput
>>> class My_Encoder(BaseEncoder):
...	def __init__(self, args=None): # Args is a ModelConfig instance
...		BaseEncoder.__init__(self)
...		self.layers = my_nn_layers()
...	def forward(self, x:torch.Tensor) -> ModelOutput:
...		out = self.layers(x)
...		output = ModelOutput(
...			embedding=out # Set the output from the encoder in a ModelOutput instance 
...		)
...		return output
... class My_Decoder(BaseDecoder):
...	def __init__(self, args=None):
...		BaseDecoder.__init__(self)
...		self.layers = my_nn_layers()
...	def forward(self, x:torch.Tensor) -> ModelOutput:
...		out = self.layers(x)
...		output = ModelOutput(
...			reconstruction=out # Set the output from the decoder in a ModelOutput instance
...		)
...		return output
>>> my_encoder = My_Encoder()
>>> my_decoder = My_Decoder()

And now build the model

>>> from pythae.models import WAE_MMD, WAE_MMD_Config
>>> # Set up the model configuration 
>>> my_wae_config = model_config = WAE_MMD_Config(
...	input_dim=(1, 28, 28),
...	latent_dim=10
... )
>>> # Build the model
>>> my_wae_model = WAE_MMD(
...	model_config=my_wae_config,
...	encoder=my_encoder, # pass your encoder as argument when building the model
...	decoder=my_decoder # pass your decoder as argument when building the model
... )

important note 1: For all AE-based models (AE, WAE, RAE_L2, RAE_GP), both the encoder and decoder must return a ModelOutput instance. For the encoder, the ModelOutput instance must contain the embbeddings under the key embedding. For the decoder, the ModelOutput instance must contain the reconstructions under the key reconstruction.

important note 2: For all VAE-based models (VAE, Beta_VAE, IWAE, HVAE, VAMP, RHVAE), both the encoder and decoder must return a ModelOutput instance. For the encoder, the ModelOutput instance must contain the embbeddings and log-covariance matrices (of shape batch_size x latent_space_dim) respectively under the key embedding and log_covariance key. For the decoder, the ModelOutput instance must contain the reconstructions under the key reconstruction.

Using benchmark neural nets

You can also find predefined neural network architectures for the most common data sets (i.e. MNIST, CIFAR, CELEBA ...) that can be loaded as follows

>>> for pythae.models.nn.benchmark.mnist import (
...	Encoder_AE_MNIST, # For AE based model (only return embeddings)
... 	Encoder_VAE_MNIST, # For VAE based model (return embeddings and log_covariances)
... 	Decoder_AE_MNIST
... )

Replace mnist by cifar or celeba to access to other neural nets.

Getting your hands on the code

To help you to understand the way pythae works and how you can train your models with this library we also provide tutorials:

  • making_your_own_autoencoder.ipynb shows you how to pass your own networks to the models implemented in pythae Open In Colab

  • models_training folder provides notebooks showing how to train each implemented model and how to sample from it using pyhtae.samplers.

  • scripts folder provides in particular an example of a training script to train the models on benchmark data sets (mnist, cifar10, celeba ...)

Dealing with issues

If you are experiencing any issues while running the code or request new features/models to be implemented please open an issue on github.

Contributing 🚀

You want to contribute to this library by adding a model, a sampler or simply fix a bug ? That's awesome! Thank you! Please see CONTRIBUTING.md to follow the main contributing guidelines.



First let's have a look at the reconstructed samples taken from the evaluation set.

Eval data Eval AE
Beta-VAE Beta Beta Normal
Adversarial_AE AAE AAE
Riemannian Hamiltonian VAE (RHVAE) RHVAE RHVAE RHVAE


Here, we show the generated samples using using eahc model implemented in the library and different samplers.

AE + GaussianMixtureSampler AE GMM AE GMM
VAE + NormalSampler VAE Normal VAE Normal
VAE + GaussianMixtureSampler VAE GMM VAE GMM
Beta-VAE + NormalSampler Beta Normal Beta Normal
IWAE + Normal sampler IWAE Normal IWAE Normal
MSSSIM_VAE + NormalSampler MSSSIM_VAE Normal MSSSIM_VAE Normal
WAE + NormalSampler WAE Normal WAE Normal
INFO VAE + NormalSampler INFO Normal INFO Normal
SVAE + HypershereUniformSampler SVAE Sphere SVAE Sphere
VAMP + VAMPSampler VAMP Vamp VAMP Vamp
Adversarial_AE + NormalSampler AAE_Normal AAE_Normal
VAEGAN + NormalSampler VAEGAN_Normal VAEGAN_Normal
HVAE + NormalSampler HVAE Normal HVAE GMM
RAE_L2 + GaussianMixtureSampler RAE L2 GMM RAE L2 GMM
RAE_GP + GaussianMixtureSampler RAE GMM RAE GMM
Riemannian Hamiltonian VAE (RHVAE) + RHVAE Sampler RHVAE RHVAE RHVAE RHVAE