
This game is a 3D implementation of the classic "Brick Breaker" game. There are a bunch of boxes that you should remove to win the game. Also, you must be careful not to miss the ball!

Here is the release page! Here is a reaction to the classical game jam in itch.io


Here are some features of this game.

  • Implement Ground
  • Create the ball and its movements
  • Create the rocket and its movements
  • Add some boxes that disappeared after a collision
  • Create an abstract box controller to create other kinds of boxes (Wooden box)
  • Implement the collision policies for the boxes
  • Add a box that is impossible to remove (Stone box)
  • Add a box that need more collision (Iron box)
  • Add a huge box that is 3 time bigger than the other boxes (Big Wooden box)
  • Improve the rocket collisions
  • Add game events
  • Add reset to the game
  • Add danger zone (Lost scenario)
  • Convert the box objects to prefs.
  • Add controller for boxes to generate random maps
  • Balance the number of generated boxes (4 kinds of them)
  • Add win scenario based on the number of the removable boxes
  • Add score for boxes and add score board
  • Instant printing last collision score for 400 milliseconds
  • Add cracking effect to the boxes
  • Add or minus a random amount of angles in collisions
  • Add Big ball combo