This faas-provider can be used to write your own back-end for OpenFaaS. The Golang SDK can be vendored into your project so that you can provide a provider which is compliant and compatible with the OpenFaaS gateway.
The faas-provider provides CRUD for functions and an invoke capability. If you complete the required endpoints then you will be able to use your container orchestrator or back-end system with the existing OpenFaaS ecosystem and tooling.
Read more: The power of interfaces in OpenFaaS
The following is used in OpenFaaS and recommended for those seeking to build their own back-ends:
- License: MIT
- Language: Golang
All the required HTTP routes are configured automatically including a HTTP server on port 8080. Your task is to implement the supplied HTTP handler functions.
For an example see the main.go file in the faas-netes Kubernetes backend.
timeout := 8 * time.Second
bootstrapHandlers := bootTypes.FaaSHandlers{
ListNamespaces: handlers.MakeNamespaceLister(),
FunctionProxy: handlers.MakeProxyHandler(),
FunctionLister: handlers.MakeFunctionLister(),
DeployFunction: handlers.MakeDeployFunctionHandler(),
DeleteFunction: handlers.MakeDeleteFunctionHandler(),
UpdateFunction: handlers.MakeUpdateFunctionHandler(),
FunctionStatus: handlers.MakeFunctionStatusHandler(),
ScaleFunction: handlers.MakeScaleFunctionHandler(),
Secrets: handlers.MakeSecretHandler(),
Logs: handlers.MakeLogsHandler(),
Info: handlers.MakeInfoHandler(),
Health: handlers.MakeHealthHandler(),
var port int
port = 8080
bootstrapConfig := bootTypes.FaaSConfig{
ReadTimeout: timeout,
WriteTimeout: timeout,
TCPPort: &port,
bootstrap.Serve(&bootstrapHandlers, &bootstrapConfig)