The most simple, flexible, and comprehensive OpenAI Gym trading environment (Approved by OpenAI Gym)
- 0
Env is not available
#105 opened by xbhinxv54 - 0
Question on step reward
#104 opened by condorman - 0
TypeError: Argument 'placement' has incorrect type (expected pandas._libs.internals.BlockPlacement, got slice)
#103 opened by anashoussaini - 0
Some questions
#102 opened by Xadlas - 2
Add render_mode='rgb_array'
#96 opened by ipsec - 2
Do the trading environments only allow for 1 share to be held at a time?
#100 opened by ShinyOrbThing - 2
NameNotFound: Environment forex doesn't exist. ,NameNotFound: Environment stocks doesn't exist.
#101 opened by deDg0d - 2
Unable to evaluate models
#98 opened by ShinyOrbThing - 2
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'your_module'
#97 opened by Mp9909 - 1
Campatibility with TF-Agents
#88 opened by fede72bari - 2
- 1
- 9
- 4
- 1
- 1
_calculate_reward modify
#87 opened by panjule - 3
Feature Request: update from gym to gymnasium
#85 opened by elliottower - 0
Does anybody understand this block of code from the MtEnv class in the env directory. Most especially the currency_profit.
#92 opened by modibboalih - 3
Balance, order volume is not explained in the docs. Reward gaming behavior observed in some models.
#90 opened by astrologos - 6
- 2
On training how to set the frame_bound?
#84 opened by talvasconcelos - 1
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How to create environment that uses multiple different episodes with 200 time steps each
#81 opened by R470R - 3
only two actions short and long?
#80 opened by JiangjiaoLu - 0
- 0
Where does the training actually happen?
#78 opened by JohnAllen - 6
gym-anytrading + DI-engine
#75 opened by PaParaZz1 - 2
LICENSE Not updated in
#76 opened by shaktisd - 1
- 2
[QUESTION] StocksEnv not giving any reward when trading with crypto or index data
#72 opened by Olwar - 1
[QUESTION] Is it possible to change callback to use profit as an evaluation metric instead of rewards?
#73 opened by Olwar - 1
applying agent on live data
#74 opened by krowxx - 2
- 1
Run in win 10?
#69 opened by johanbech - 7
Step price
#70 opened by Benjy96 - 4
Example seems to be broken
#68 opened by aheagel - 1
- 0
State and total profit
#67 opened by DaniilKardava - 2
end of training causes noise
#65 opened by GXY2017 - 7
Agent can't learn on future data
#63 opened by gendrelom - 1
How to maximize the sharpe ratio?
#62 opened by GXY2017 - 2
- 1
minor improve in trading.env
#60 opened by GXY2017 - 2
SB3 check_env() Error
#59 opened by 0trade - 2
Forex env unit_side question
#56 opened by dancydancy - 5
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Problem with DummyVecEnv wrapped inside a VecNormalize wrapper with render_all() method
#53 opened by 0xYelshayeb - 2
- 1
stocks env maximum frame_bound is 2335
#58 opened by ArtemDubrovin - 2
Examples for RLLIB
#52 opened by javimontero