
My Data Provider: A minimal multi-exchange data providing project to feed trading algorithms/bots. Built with Python and FastAPI.

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

MyDP: My Data Provider

A minimal in-memory multi-exchange crypto data provider to feed trading algorithms/bots, built with Python and FastAPI.

You say what data you want (from which exchanges, symbols, timeframes, etc.) through the config.json file, and MyDP digest them for you. Then your algorithms/bots can consume the data via its REST API or WebSocket.

Here is a small example of the config.json file:

        "exchange": "binance_spot",
        "symbols": [
                "symbol": "BTCUSDT",
                "aliases": [
                "timeframes": [
        "exchange": "kucoin_spot",
        "symbols": [
                "symbol": "ETH-USDT",
                "aliases": [
                "timeframes": [

Implemented Exchange proxies:

Exchange Spot Futures Notes
Binance (1)
Bingx (2)
Kucoin (3)


(1) Both USD-M and COIN-M are implemented, but separately (i.e. config names for binance futures: binance_futures_um, binance_futures_cm).

(2) Max. 30 topics can be subscribed (Due to the exchange limitations).

(3) Kucoin futures doesn't have a public websocket channel for klines. MyDP calls the REST endpoint every 2 seconds to emulate this websocket channel. So, mind the API rate limiting here (i.e. define max. 10 topics or so for kucoin futures).


  • Container based: Simply create a Dockerfile and run it.
  • Extendable: You can fork and implement your own exchange proxies.
  • Built-in REST API and WebSocket.
  • Asynchronous and non-blocking.
  • Ability to declare multiple timeframes for each symbol.
  • Ability to declare arbitrary aliases for each symbol (then the client can fetch data with formal symbol name or any other configured aliases).

How it functions?

  • First, it fetches the latest 500 historical OHLCV data rows from the configured exchanges.
  • Then it subscribes to their kline sockets and keeps the in-memory data up-to-date.
  • It ONLY maintains the latest 500 candles in memory.
  • It also pushes updates to its WebSocket clients.
  • Then your bots/algos can get data via REST API or WebSocket and consume them.


  • Clone the repository.
  • Edit the config.json file according to your needs.
  • Create a docker image using the Dockerfile.
  • Run the container.


Data can be retrieved via REST API or WebSocket. There is one endpoint for each of them.


The endpoint route is as the following:

@app.get("/candles/{exchange}/{symbol}/{timeframe}/{count}", response_class=JSONResponse)

Here is the description of path params:

  • exchange: the enum Value of the desired exchange. Must be added to config.json file. (e.g. 'binance_spot', etc. You can find them in src/base/enums.py file.)
  • symbol: it can be the symbol value declared in the config.json file or one of its aliases.
  • timeframe: Must be one of the configured timeframes of the symbol.
  • count: the number of the latest candles you want to retrieve. The valid range is 1-500.

Here is an example with cURL (based on the example config above):

curl localhost:8000/candles/binance_spot/BTCUSDT/1d/2

Here is an example with Python and AIOHTTP:

MYDP_HOST = '...'
MYDP_PORT = '...'

BASE_URL = 'http://{}:{}/'.format(MYDP_HOST, MYDP_PORT)

async def get_candles(exchange: str, symbol: str, timeframe: str, count: int = 2):                 

    connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit=None)
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector) as session:
            url = '{}/{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(CANDLES_ENDPOINT, exchange, symbol, timeframe, count)
            async with session.get(url) as resp:
                r_json = await resp.json()     

                df = pd.DataFrame(data=r_json['result'])                       
                df['open_datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['open_datetime'], format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
                df = df.set_index('open_datetime')   
                df['open'] = df['open'].astype('float')
                df['high'] = df['high'].astype('float')
                df['low'] = df['low'].astype('float')
                df['close'] = df['close'].astype('float')
                df['volume'] = df['volume'].astype('float')
                return df                     

        except Exception as ex:
            print('exception thrown: ', ex)
            return None


The endpoint route is as the following:


So you can subscribe to each kline with something like the following url:


Then, you'll receive real-time updates from the exchange via MyDP. The update messages are in the following format:

    'open_timestamp': 'timestamp of the candle opening',
    'open_datetime': 'datetime represantation of the candle opening',
    'open': 'open price',
    'high': 'high price',
    'low': 'low price',
    'close': 'latest close price',
    'volume': 'latest volume'

Some notes regarding the usage of the WebSocket:

  • The aliases feature is only supported for REST API. So, you must subscribe to the WebSocket with the symbol value declared in the config.json file.
  • Right now, if you supply WRONG exchange, symbol, or timeframe in the URL, You WILL subscribe, but you WON'T receive any updates! I'll fix it later ;)

Cautions and Warnings

  • This is definitely NOT a production-ready tool. Do NOT use it in production or serious projects, or use it at YOUR OWN RISK!
  • Right now, it lacks some important features like authorization, rate limiting, etc. I'll try to implement them in the future.
  • It's under semi-active(!) development and it may have several breaking changes, or changes in the project roadmap.

Project Roadmap

  • Implementing persistent storages.
  • Adding the ability to retrieve more than 500 candles (from persistent storages).
  • Adding the ability to edit and reflect configurations without restarting the app.
  • Implementing rate limiters.
  • Implementing JWT authorization and API keys.
  • Implementing Orderbook data ingestion.
  • Implementing trades data ingestion.