
Primary LanguagePython

Dobby Project for Dataak task

A character in Harry Potter movie

This project consists of three services and kafka ui:

  1. Kafka Producer Daemon: A service that fetches data from an external API (https://fakerapi.it/api/v2/texts?_quantity=100&_locale=fa_IR) every minute, processes the received data, and pushes it to a Kafka topic.

  2. Kafka Consumer Daemon: A service that reads the data from the Kafka topic, processes it, and stores the data into an Elasticsearch index with the specified schema.

  3. FastAPI Service: A web service that provides APIs for searching and tagging the content stored in Elasticsearch. The search allows users to filter content by any field, and the tagging feature allows tagging content with predefined static tags.

  4. Kafka UI : a kafka ui for easy use of kafka run on http://localhost:8080


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Make (optional, for running Makefile commands)


This project is a FastAPI-based service with Docker, Kafka, and other necessary configurations to run and test. This document outlines how to build, run, and interact with the project using the provided Makefile.


Clone this repository to your local machine:

git clone <repository-url>
cd dobby

Docker Setup

The project uses Docker for containerization. Ensure Docker is running on your system.


Build Docker Images

To build the Docker images for the project, run the following command:


This will build the Docker images specified in the docker-compose.yml file. It uses the DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64 environment variable to ensure compatibility across systems.

Run Docker Containers

To start the application and related services, use:

make run

This command starts the Docker containers as defined in the docker-compose.yml file. The application will be accessible according to the settings in your Docker Compose file.

Restart Containers

If you need to restart the containers, use:

make restart

This will restart the running containers.

Bring Down Containers

To stop and remove all containers, networks, and volumes defined in your docker-compose.yml file:

make down

View Logs

To view the logs of the application container, run:

make log

This will display the logs of the app container in real-time.

Run Tests

To run tests inside the FastAPI service container, use:

make run-tests

This will execute the tests using pytest inside the FastAPI service container.

Create Kafka Topic

To create a Kafka topic (texts_topic), use:

make create-kafka-topic

This command will create a Kafka topic named texts_topic with 1 partition and a replication factor of 1, if it doesn't already exist.

All Commands

The following are the targets available in the Makefile:

  • docker: Builds the Docker images for the project.
  • run: Starts the Docker containers defined in docker-compose.yml.
  • restart: Restarts the Docker containers.
  • down: Stops and removes all containers, networks, and volumes.
  • log: Shows real-time logs for the app container.
  • run-tests: Runs tests inside the FastAPI service container.
  • create-kafka-topic: Creates the Kafka topic texts_topic.


If you encounter issues with Docker or the services, check the following:

  • Ensure Docker is running and properly configured.
  • Check logs with make log to diagnose issues with the application.
  • If the containers are not starting, try make down and then make run to reset the environment.

Architecture Overview

This project follows a microservices architecture with a focus on modularity, scalability, and maintainability. The key components of the system are as follows:

1. Daemon Kafka Consumer

  • Purpose: Consumes data from a Kafka topic and stores it in Elasticsearch.
  • Components:
    • config.py: Contains configuration settings, such as connection details for Kafka and Elasticsearch.
    • app.py: The core logic for consuming messages from Kafka and processing them.
    • elastic_client.py: Handles interactions with the Elasticsearch service.
    • kafka_consumer.py: Manages the Kafka consumer setup and connection.
    • Dockerfile: Containerizes the consumer service for deployment.
    • requirements.txt: Lists the Python dependencies needed for the consumer service (e.g., Kafka and Elasticsearch clients).

How it helps the project:

  • Independent, scalable service that decouples data ingestion from processing.
  • Ensures data is reliably consumed from Kafka and inserted into Elasticsearch.

2. Daemon Kafka Producer

  • Purpose: Fetches data from an external API and sends it to a Kafka topic for consumption by the Kafka consumer.
  • Components:
    • api_client.py: Fetches data from an external API.
    • config.py: Configuration for Kafka and external API connections.
    • kafka_producer.py: Sends data to Kafka topics.
    • pp.py: Orchestrates fetching data and publishing it to Kafka.
    • Dockerfile: Containerizes the producer service for deployment.
    • requirements.txt: Lists dependencies for the producer service (Kafka client and external API libraries).

How it helps the project:

  • Decouples the data fetching and publishing logic from other services.
  • Can be independently scaled to handle high-volume data production.

3. FastAPI Service

  • Purpose: Provides RESTful APIs to interact with Elasticsearch, enabling search and tagging functionalities.
  • Components:
    • config/settings.py: Stores configuration details for Elasticsearch and other settings.
    • controllers/:
      • search_controller.py: Handles search-related API requests.
      • tag_controller.py: Handles tagging functionality.
    • main.py: The FastAPI application entry point, initializing the app and routes.
    • models/:
      • search_request_dto.py: Defines the structure of search requests.
      • tag_request_dto.py: Defines the structure of tag-related requests.
    • repositories/:
      • elastic_repository.py: Interface for interacting with Elasticsearch.
    • services/:
      • search_service.py: Business logic for searching in Elasticsearch.
      • tag_service.py: Business logic for tagging content in Elasticsearch.
    • Dockerfile: Containerizes the FastAPI service.
    • README.md: Documentation for setting up and using the FastAPI service.
    • requirements.txt: Lists dependencies for the FastAPI service (FastAPI, Elasticsearch client, etc.).

How it helps the project:

  • Provides a fast and flexible API layer to interact with Elasticsearch.
  • The clean separation of concerns (service/repository pattern) ensures easy maintainability and testability.
  • Scalable architecture with clear service boundaries.

4. docker-compose.yml

  • Purpose: Orchestrates the deployment of multiple services (Kafka, Elasticsearch, and FastAPI) with a single command.
  • How it helps the project:
    • Single Command Setup: With docker-compose up, the entire system can be started together.
    • Isolation: Each service runs in its own container, ensuring isolation of dependencies.
    • Scalability: Docker Compose makes it easy to scale services based on needs.

5. requirements.txt

  • This file contains the list of Python dependencies needed for the entire project (e.g., Kafka client, Elasticsearch client, FastAPI, etc.).
  • How it helps the project:
    • Centralized dependency management for the entire project.
    • Ensures consistent environments across different stages of development and deployment.

How the Architecture Helps the Project

  1. Separation of Concerns:

    • The project is divided into multiple services with clearly defined responsibilities:
      • Producer fetches data and sends it to Kafka.
      • Consumer processes Kafka messages and stores them in Elasticsearch.
      • FastAPI service provides an API layer to interact with Elasticsearch.
    • This modular structure makes it easy to develop, maintain, and scale individual components.
  2. Scalability:

    • Each service is containerized using Docker, allowing for easy scaling and management.
    • Kafka itself is highly scalable and serves as a reliable messaging queue between the producer and consumer services.
  3. Fault Tolerance:

    • Kafka acts as a buffer between the producer and consumer, ensuring that data is not lost if a service fails. The consumer can process messages at its own pace when it's back online.
  4. Ease of Deployment:

    • The use of Docker and Docker Compose simplifies the deployment process. The entire system can be spun up with a single command (docker-compose up), ensuring consistency across environments.
  5. Extensibility:

    • The system is designed with extensibility in mind, following principles such as Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and clean architecture patterns. This makes it easy to add new features or integrate with other systems in the future.

By using a microservices architecture, this system is robust, scalable, and easy to maintain, making it well-suited for handling growing data volumes and user requests.

  • Apache Kafka: Used as a message broker between the producer and the consumer services.
  • Elasticsearch: A NoSQL database used for storing the data produced by the consumer service. It allows fast searches and filtering.
  • FastAPI: Provides an HTTP API for interacting with Elasticsearch, including search and tagging features.

Project Structure

Click here to see the project structure.


1. Kafka Producer Daemon Service

This service fetches data from the FakerAPI every minute and produces it to a Kafka topic.


  • Fetches records every minute from the FakerAPI.
  • Formats the data to match the schema required by the consumer.
  • Publishes the data to a Kafka topic.

Docker Setup:

  • Dockerfile and requirements are specified in the producer-service directory.
  • Kafka client libraries are required to connect and produce messages to the Kafka broker.

2. Kafka Consumer Daemon Service

This service reads data from the Kafka topic and stores it in an Elasticsearch index with a predefined schema.

Elasticsearch Index Schema:

Kafka Field Elastic Field Data Type
Title Name text
Author Username keyword
Genre Category keyword
Content Text text
inserted_at* timestamp timestamp


  • Consumes messages from Kafka and parses them.
  • Stores the data in Elasticsearch with the necessary transformations and schema mapping.
  • Adds an inserted_at field with the timestamp of when the document is stored.

Docker Setup:

  • Dockerfile and requirements are specified in the consumer-service directory.
  • Elasticsearch client libraries are required to connect and store documents in Elasticsearch.

3. FastAPI Service

This service exposes two main APIs:

a. Search API:

b. Tagging API:

  • Endpoint: /api/tag/
  • Method: POST
  • Payload:
      "doc_id": "string",
      "tag": 1

Tags: Tags are predefined and fixed as 1, 2, or 3. Updates the Tag field of a document in Elasticsearch.

Docker Setup:

  • Dockerfile and requirements are specified in the fastapi-service directory.
  • Elasticsearch client libraries are required to connect and store documents in Elasticsearch.

How Verify the services are running?:

Kafka: Should be running on port 9093.

Kafka UI : Should be accessible at http://localhost:8080.

Elasticsearch: Should be accessible at http://localhost:9200.

FastAPI: Should be accessible at http://localhost:8000.

Access FastAPI APIs:


  "doc_id": "document_id",
  "tag": 1