
Grab latest feed from search engine like Google, Bing, WordPress, etc.

Primary LanguagePHP


Grab latest feed from search engine like Google, Bing, WordPress, etc.


Install the package using composer by using this command below.

composer require aminulbd/spider


Just import \AminulBD\Spider\Spider package and construct it with supported driver and call the find method like as below.

// require '../vendor/autoload.php'; // if you are going with standalone mode.

use AminulBD\Spider\Spider;

$engine = 'wordpress'; // supported: google, bing and wordpress
$config = [
    'base_uri' => 'https://aminul.net/wp-json/wp/', // This is required for wordpress.

$spider = new Spider($engine, $config);

$finder = $spider->find(['q' => 'WordPress']);
$results = $finder->next(); // Here is your results. 
