GIPHY WebAPI proxy service

This WebAPI expose two endpoints:

  1. Search url:


Required parameters:

searchVal- the string value used to query the Gipty services

  1. Trending url:


Optional parameters:

You can add results limiter to each off the queries in order to limit the amount of returned result values

** If NOT specified in the url the default returned results will be 25 **

Example url's:

Use appsettings.json file to define your settings

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
	// ....
  "AllowedHosts": "*",
  "ApiBaseURL": "",
  "ApiKey": "Your-Giphy-API-Key",   // <---- don’t forget to set your Giphy API key
  "CacheExpirationInSeconds": 3600   // <---- define a cache expiry of 1 hour (3600 sec)